Students are being asked to have fun, get creative, and do their best to make a project “that entertains and educates how awesome wearing a mask can be...”
U.S. lawmakers are moving closer to awarding a congressional gold medal to the 13 troops killed in the terrorist attack in Kabul last month. A measure
Rep. Liz Cheney (WY) is the latest and by far the most prominent House Republican who could lose her renomination bid after voting to impeach former President Donald Trump over his actions (and inactions) surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.
So, the other #GrabGate video has been trending for 2 days now. How much you want to bet they'll block this one even though the view count is climbing faster...
They say it's to protect free speech.
U.S.—Chick-fil-A has said it will stop making donations to Christian groups that oppose the LGBTQ movement.The move is said to be a "good trade" as Chick-fil-A has sacrificed its Christian fans in favor of an outraged mob that will stop at nothing to destroy them.Restaurant spokespeople say they believe this move will be enough to appease the L …
The year I began my rabbinic studies in Jerusalem, a full-fledged war broke out on Yom Kippur. My fellow students...
American support for government surveillance of both foreign and domestic targets dropped significantly over the past decade, according to a new poll.
Biden is starving the Defense Department, yet his legislation will make the IRS three-quarters the size of the Marine Corps. Who’s Biden making war on?
Wasserman Schultz blamed divisiveness in the Republican Party for the rise of Trump.
The demographic-inevitability thesis is less credible than ever.
Another Democratic debate and that means it’s time for another appearance by Michael Moore on MSNBC. Last time, the cable network let the far-left filmmaker rant for 12 minutes on the need for a liberal 2020 nominee. On Wednesday night, Moore talked, with just a few minor interruptions, for seven minutes and declared, “I am the center” of the Democratic Party.
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough compared President Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, saying Putin was more likely to take a tough question from a reporter.
Elder had his campaign event halted after protesters shot his security detail with a pellet gun
The gcc microgrid market report provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the market, including value and volume trends and pricing history. Growth-inducing factors, market restraints and recent developments have also been analyzed in the report in order to provide deeper knowledge about the industry.
Rolling Stone's Janet Reitman has posted a massive autopsy report on Marco Rubio's failed presidential campaign, with one passage laying to waste his "work" on the Gang of Eight immigration bill. 
It’s come to this. A Washington Post reporter gave a first-hand account on Twitter of Paul Manafort’s bathroom habits and sycophantic fellow-journos lapped up every morsel.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 86, is back in the hospital again. She was admitted to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore with a serious...
California’s recovery from mammoth job losses unleashed by coronavirus-linked business shutdowns has been so feeble that it is mired near the bottom of the 50 states in terms of regaining the…
The British state has inflamed Islamist intolerance.
Garland is the fifth progressive vote the left has been waiting for.
NBC News on Sunday backed off a dubious claim that Americans use 1.6 straws a day on average, after critics noted it was based on research from a nine-year-old boy whose methodology never has undergone any significant scrutiny.
The fear that drives people to religious zeal for COVID restrictions is a product of a 21st century privilege that makes unexpected death seem unacceptable.
England has scrapped plans to make COVID-19 vaccine passports mandatory for nightclubs and other crowded spaces, Health Minister Sajid Javid confirmed.