Nearly 100 mayors across the United States are begging President Trump to import as many refugees to the country as possible.
The private group had been taken down without explanation, directors said. Trump later confirmed the page had been restored after an 'enforcement error'.
The Senate parliamentarian determined that lawmakers cannot include a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens in a budget reconciliation package, but Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is pushing the Senate and the Biden administration to do it anyway.
He campaigned on a message of unity. He governs in a campaign of divisiveness.
In a memo, the GOP front-runner provides the most details yet about his border plans.
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Democrats are forcing us to watch 'Groundhog Day: Trump Impeachment' because they refuse to accept that in America, the people are the sovereign.
Liberal masters and overseers took the whip to a few saucy runaways who had the gumption to think they could escape the Democrats’ ideological plantation. The public whippings are designed
Biden is threatening to limit states' access to the monoclonal antibody treatment that has proven strongly effective against COVID-19; DeSantis says he will get orders directly from the manufacturer.
There’s been a lot of talk this past year about a specific candidate that has the potential of destroying the Republican Party and some have advocated for just this — simply tearing apart the Party…
Liberal students were driven to hypocrisy when my YAF chapter held a "Change My Mind" event last month on the topic of "Hate Speech is Free Speech."
The Tories are set to win a majority of 86 with Labour losing 71 seats, the general election exit poll suggests.
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While Biden's strategy of hiding out in his Delaware basement may have helped him limp across the finish line in 2020, his frequent long weekends in Rehoboth Beach and refusal
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department said Tuesday that classified documents were “likely concealed and removed” from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate as part of an effort to obstruct the federal investigation into the discovery of the government records.

Why Fear a Brokered Convention?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

It turns out that rules and strategy are a key part of winning.
Left-wing hatred of Melania Trump is inversely proportional to flyover admiration for the first lady.
Freshman Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) is likely to switch parties after signaling his opposition to the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
A music video featuring President Trump dancing to the iconic song "YMCA" has reached over 20 million views on Twitter. 

The War against Woke Communism

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Now is the time to stand boldly for American justice.
CNN warned that Democrat John Fetterman would lose the Pennsylvania Senate race in November if he continued refusing to “come out and play."
Donald Trump says his business experience would make him a good president., but how exactly did he make his money?
The federal government has slowed the flow of displaced people into the U.S. to a trickle, achieving by bureaucracy what it couldn’t by executive order.
I don't think Mitch McConnell is going to let that happen, as much as Trump's base may relish a free-for-all in which Adam Schiff and others are called to testify.
No one should claim premature victory as the counting and legal challenges play out.