
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) went on a grandstanding rant during Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing on Thursday, saying that he would "knowingly" violate Senate rules by releasing "confidential" Kavanaugh emails.


In 1970, when I was serving as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and assigned to Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, the chief of naval operations, I sometimes acted as a courier, taking documents to the White House....


A report alleges Clinton once asked "Can't we just drone this guy?"


Black Leader Endorses Donald Trump: Democrats ‘Ask Us For Everything, Give Nothing Back’ - Breitbart
Black Leader Endorses Donald Trump: Democrats ‘Ask Us For Everything, Give Nothing Back’


The administration has already taken the first step to accommodate President-elect Trump’s positions, agreeing Friday to take a timeout on President Obama’s push to kick-start his 2014 deportation amnesty.


“WI recount hasn't begun but unofficial Trump lead of 22,177 is about to grow by 440 votes when an Oneida County reporting error is corrected”


In liberals' imaginations, there are only four ways to lose elections -- and none has to do with their leftist turn, their hysterics or their one-dimensional identity politics. Democrats say they...


Texas presidential elector Chris Suprun says he will not cast his vote for Donald Trump. Suprun signed a pledge last ...


A YouTube video, recorded secretly and anonymously, posted Tuesday shows a professor at a Costa Mesa, California community college regaling her captive classroom audience with radical opinions about the presidential election a month ago, which apparently didn't go her way.


Senators have staked the success of the bipartisan agreement on President Trump, but powerful pockets of opposition remain among some law enforcement officials and conservative lawmakers.


This German reporter tells exactly what the most important parts of the United Nations Global Compact for Migration are: Difficult to understand except that migration is seen as good.


Breaking with all precedent, Trump will apparently retain his private squad of loyal ex-cops in the White House


Ohio lawmakers had passed a freeze on the state's renewable energy standards.


President Trump should stand firm on funding for the border wall, and be willing to shut down the government if Congress balks — for the American people.


The report on Russian involvement in the US elections is superficial and misses the main point


The investigation found widespread evidence of unconstitutional use of force. It was launched more than a year ago after a black teenager was shot and killed by a white Chicago police officer.


Hours after the leader of the Senate Democrats slammed Donald Trump's Cabinet as an ethically-challenged "swamp Cabinet," Donald Trump defended his picks and suggested that Democrats "are going crazy."


When the Internet went on strike, 16 GOP Senators came out against the PROTECT …


The elite left and their propagandists in the media are already in hysterics over President Trump’s first week in office, but for most Americans there are no surprises here.


Last week, a violent protest erupted on campus, in response to a scheduled speaking event by Milo Yiannopoulos. Many people soon began to decry the protesters. Here are a few arguments in favor of the use of violence in protests. Op-ed: Check your privilege when speaking of protests ToRead More…


The court's ruling on Trump's immigration executive order uses statements made before an official even took office to interpret -- and limit -- his official acts.


The worst civil unrest in decades erupted in cities across the U.S. this weekend as anger sparked by the death


Forty thousand people descended on Melbourne's CBD for George Floyd who died at the hands of Police in Minnesota. Yesterday I joined the Black Lives Matter r...