
by Smitty British bookies say gamblers are betting Trump won’t finish his term in office I have no insight, and I’m typically wrong on any political prediction. But I can’t see ho…


Activists think the world will be uninhabitable for our children if the U.S. pulls out of the Paris Climate Accord. For example, via Vox Quitting the Paris climate agreement would be a moral disgra…


In the 2016 campaign, there was no one more loyal to Hillary Clinton than her one-time Senate colleague Chuck Schumer. He defended his fellow New Yorker and the race she ran at every turn.


Poultry prop has been used at rallies to prompt President Trump to release his tax returns


"It seems like there are any number of more deserving people to be receiving praise and media attention."


Click here for more videos ► http://bitly.com/dfyMcW This one time Booze Lightyear and I served a gay guy in restaurant we were working at. Immediately after...


Sen. Ted Cruz’s new book has outsold 18 of the top 20 books on The New York Times bestseller list during its first week of release, but the Times has not included it on the list. The Times? decision prompted one person to note that the The Gray Lady has always rigged the game. Nielsen Bookscan reported that “A Time ?


President Donald Trump posted an angry tweet bashing special counsel Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt!


The following is an op-ed written by ?Mohammed,? a Syrian War Refugee. I am sorry it is taking me so long to post my outrage over Cecil the Lion. My village has been without electricity for the last week after the Americans bombed our power plant. I had to walk for two days — hiding from ISIS along the ?


Congress, states and our next president must end EPA harm to human health and welfare.


Colleagues at NBC are outraged at Megyn Kelly's remarks about Matt Lauer. 'Megyn saw this as an opportunity to mark her territory - but she failed and has lost the support of EVERYONE at NBC.'


My website: http://www.vforvoluntary.com/ Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/austrian_economics/ -- Buy 'How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes | by Peter and ...


California's scores for its revamped statewide tests ranged from mediocre to dismal. Of more than 3.1 million public school students tested in English, only 44 percent met or exceeded standards; in math, only 33 percent met that threshold.


A female candidate for Congress who was endorsed by the liberal women’s group Emily’s List was accused of retaliating against a male colleague who turned down her sexual advances 12 years ago. Democrat Andrea Ramsey said on Friday she will drop out of the race for Congress in the state's 3rd District, which includes parts of the Kansas City metro area.


Jeb Bush argued House Speaker Representative John Boehner (R-OH) did "a good job" as speaker


Lots of headlines today that September was the hottest ever - by a wide margin. The level of fraud which NOAA had to use to obtain this result (ahead of Paris) is quite stunning. The first thing to...


Trump Smashes Congress – Takes Away Dems’ September Game Plan


Thank you so much for watching. One of the most helpful things you can do is share this video and spread the word about what is happening in South Africa - b...


In almost all cases where coddled, thin-skinned students claim their feelings are hurt, school administrators bend over backwards to appease them, legality notwithstanding. In fact, if anyone is being discriminated against, it’s those rare and courageous professors who publicly stand up to this unconstitutional nonsense. Which brings us to today’s post about an ongoing incident at Yale. With students being coddled in a fantasy world of “safe spaces” and fear of “micro-aggressions,” can we really expect them to grow up to be adults capable of confronting real issues of money, power and imperial aggression?


GREENSBORO, NC –Greensboro police are asking residents to show their commitment to safety by signing a Pledge of Non-violence on Saturday. The pledge can be signed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Dest...


Prague Cancels Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Out of Fears of Terrorism (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
Prague officials cancelled the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony this year after the ISIS Paris attacks. City officials also said ...


German authorities are growing increasingly concerned that newly arrived refugees from Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East are being recruited by radical Islamists once they arrive in the country.


For the first time since 2006, terrorism ranks higher than the economy as a concern for voters, according to a new CBS News poll.


Having recently rejoined the fulltime work force after 25 years of mostly staying home, I can say that fulltime mom is way harder than employment.