
Mainers voters have approved a sweeping change in how they elect state leaders.


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had malignant nodules removed from her lung on Friday. According to a release from the Supreme Court, Ginsburg is “resting comfortably” at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Ginsburg underwent a pulmonary lobectomy, where two nodules in the lower lobe of her left lung were removed after ?


"Calexit" supporters need nearly 600,000 signatures from registered voters over the next 180 days for the initiative to qualify for the 2018 ballot.


Police rushed to Bert Ferguson Community Center on Sunday night in response to reports of a shooting there.


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Brigitte Gabriel tells an audience the interesting history of Islam, starting with Muhammad's ...


David Zegarac has a history as an anarchist activist.


WASHINGTON—Operation Warp Speed forged by the Trump administration to develop vaccines resembles the U.S. industrial mobilization effort for World War II, according to experts. With the partnership between the government, military, and private sector, the American industry delivered vaccines within a seemingly impossible timeline.


Looks like Trump?s telephone call today with the Chinese president was a success in getting the North Korean ally to help punish the country for it?s continued belligerence with nuclear…


A Seattle-based Black Lives Matter activist with the Twitter handle “wypipo-h8,” slang for “white people hate,” followed a terrified white woman home, harassed her, filmed her address and license plate, and is attempting to ruin her life for some social media clout. Karlos Dillard describes himself as an “author, entrainer, and public speaker.” He is…


Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. It’s impossible to enjoy crab cakes around someone who’s wearing too much Drakkar Noir....


According to a new Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll, nearly two-thirds of Ameri


The North Korean military is ?awaiting orders? to unleash four missiles at military bases near Guam ? because officials believe President Trump is too ?bereft of reason̶…


Twitter announced that they would be pulling a “poison pill” effort to defend against Elon Musk’s effort to buy Twitter.


The legacy of U.S. civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr could be facing a 'painful reckoning' after a biographer unearthed tapes detailing the scale of his affairs and sexual exploits.


CBS fired one of its top lawyers after she said she's


A government meeting in Alaska opened with a prayer to Satan after a Satanic Temple member won the right to deliver the invocation, prompting about a dozen officials and attendees to walk out.


A new Gallup survey has revealed that Americans have approximately twice as much confidence in law enforcement personnel -- 52 percent -- as they do in newspapers -- 24 percent -- and television news -- 21 percent. The telephone poll was conducted June 2-7 and included Gallup's newest survey on confidence in U.S. institutions, which it has updated every year since 1993.


ATLANTA, GA—CNN has hired a new reporter, the "This is Fine" dog of internet fame.The canine will simply stand in front of burning homes and buildings and say, "This is fine." Created by KC Green, the dog began as a humble webcomic and has gone on to do great things, from working on multiple political campaigns and at the Trump W …


Some parents are preparing to transition their children from one gender to the other as early as pre-school. National Public Radio interviews one Oakland, Calif. family with a young child who star


“If it is undecided when I become president, I will answer your question.”


Guest Post by Mara Zebest Mark Levin gives an excellent rant on the first half hour of his show in ...


Having solved all other problems...


Judging by the latest polling numbers from Reuters, rumors of the death of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s 2016 GOP Presidential campaign have


Yesterday I reported that a federal judge was set to rule on the legality of an election in Hawaii where the right to vote is limited by race. Only 'native Hawaiians' are permitted to register on the government-run voter rolls. Registered native Hawaiians are then permitted to participate in an election next month to elect delegates to a native Hawaiian convention to discuss the relationship of native Hawaiians to the United States.Today federal district court judge J. Michael Seabright green-lighted the election.Native Hawaiians who are registered to vote will have the opportunity to elect delegates who will then meet at a convention, or 'aha, next year to decide what type of nation or government, if any, will be created or reorganized.Seabright ruled that even though public funds were used for the effort there was enough separation between the organizations and the state that it is essentially a private election, which can be conducted among a specific group.A group of both Native and non-Native Hawaiians had sued to prevent the election, saying it's unconstitutional to restrict voting to only Native Hawaiians.The judge reasoned that even though the government conducted a racially discriminatory voter registration process, because a private party used the roll to conduct an election, it didn't violate federal law.Judicial Watch, the organization who brought the case, is indicating they will appeal.


The newly elected Muslim-majority city council in Hamtramck, Michigan, is said to be the first of its kind in America. Three of the candidates who attracted the most votes in Tuesday's election were Muslims, with two — Anam Miah and Abu Musa — serving as incumbents and with Saad Almasmari being elected...