Italian Police have forced an elderly Hotel owner in Ficarolo (Rovigo) to house and provide for fifteen African illegal Immigrants on his property against hi...

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the head of HUD. I've gotten to know him well--he's a greatly talented person who loves people!”
"They would probably never receive such an honor..."
Ok, either Tim Kaine has a bizarre and misplaced amount of sympathy for a guy who used his car and then a large knife to attack fellow OSU students with before police justifiably shot the attacker dead, OR he was quick to denounce an act of gun violence that didn’t exist. The only guns used …
The Anti-Defamation League has gone from making a statement defending Keith Ellison to another statement today criticizing his "disqualifying" remarks.
Here's how they got around their suspension
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Clinton's campaign Monday said that the Obama administration "owes it to the American people" to tell what it knows about Russian hacking of Clinton campaign emails and those of the Democratic National Committee as it attempted to sway last month's election.
During the 2016 election, I was adamantly opposed to Donald Trump.
A cabbie flagged down police after the woman refused to pay a $6.50 fare, according to a police report.
UKIP Leader Gerard Batten has appointed political activist Tommy Robinson as an adviser on rape gangs and prison reformation.
Sex therapist Kimberly Resnick Anderson claims that the women she sees at her Los Angeles clinic are still being put off sex by Hillary Clinton's defeat by Donald Trump.
Compares holy family's flight to Egypt to Muhammad's flight to Medina.
Politicians are often far better at campaigning than governing. This is especially true for big-city politicians. Kept in office by loyal constituencies, big-city politicians turn to corruption and nepotism just because they can.
It may have been the Chicago Cubs’ day at the White House, but that didn’t stop President Obama from repeatedly talking about himself while honoring them. In what he called his final ceremony at the White House, Obama delivered roughly 22 minutes of remarks about the Cubs’ World Series win, and in the process, managed …
President Obama delivers his farewell address in Chicago, Jan. 10, 2017.
Freedom Center founder David Horowitz told Stuart Varney on Fox Business that Donald Trump has already transformed the nation even before taking office. On the show to discuss his new bestselling book Big Agenda: President Trump's Plan to Save America, Horowitz pointed out that Trump has shown the timid Republican Party "how to fight, how to be aggressive."
Members from the union representing the U.S. Border Patrol stated that the proposal comes from listening to agents instead of politicians.
Trump "is very aware of what’s happening."
Elizabeth Warren Fails to Disclose $1.3 Million Line of Credit
The executive order by the Trump administration on immigration led to an urgent desire to proclaim there is no terrorism threat from immigrants. False.
Spencer, Yiannopoulos, even big daddy H!
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that if Chicago does not do something about its high murder rate, he would.
The liberal media is in fact covering up many documented cases of voter fraud conducted by illegal immigrants. Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeryDicey Website...
Nearly three-quarters of eligible production workers at Boeing's South Carolina plant voted Wednesday not to join the International Association of Machinists in a major setback for organized labor.
He says that Facebook is developing AI to create a global democracy—kind of.