Wikileaks confirms Seth Rich as source of DNC Leak and provides proof– Wikileaks released a series direct messages from US ...
VIDEO: San Ramon Valley High School students walk out over free speech
The DML News App offers the best in news reporting.
If Vegas were to give odds, bookmakers would have to do a lot of homework on Special Investigator Robert Mueller and try to connect several dots in order to determine to what, and to whom Mueller i…
A ROCK concert by US band Allah-Las has been cancelled and the venue evacuated amid concerns over a terror threat after police discovered a van filled with gas bottles nearby.
The playbook has been well documented and rehearsed over the years. Those who promote extreme gun control measures mobilize more quickly than any other political group in America. It’s not even close. They do this for one reason and one reason only: their argument is only effective at an emotional level. Therefore, they have to …
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul wants businesses and individuals to pay a federal flat tax of 14.5 percent.
What lovely people. A top New Jersey Democrat was charged with assault after repeatedly punching a blind, 75 year-old, US ...
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
“There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation..."
The "Latinization of America" is under way and could lead to backlash against whites.
On Friday, Politico ran a story claiming that Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson admitted to "fabricating" a story about being offered a scholarship to West Point. This was proven to be another media hit job when The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro broke the story that the “fabrication” was in fact on Politico’s end and not Carson’s.
"The Patriots are villainous cheaters with a player, coach, and owner that consider Donald Trump a friend."
No confidence in the Democratic frontrunner.
What might become the defining statement of his atrocious presidency.
Apparently, President Obama doesn’t even know what is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, as he misquoted it while calling ...
ObamaCare is on death watch. On Wednesday, Cigna CEO David Cordani said the giant insurer won’t commit to offering policies on the ObamaCare exchanges beyond next year. This, just two weeks after a...


Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Post with 0 votes and 9 views.
CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta was slammed on Monday for shouting questions at President Trump while he was coloring with young children at the White House Easter Egg Roll.
States cannot impose a blanket prohibition on apparel such as T-shirts and buttons bearing political messages in polling sites, the U.S. Supreme Court said on Thursday in an important free speech ruling striking down a Minnesota law as unconstitutional.
"Here’s how ridiculously easy it is to get a gun in Florida."

U.S. Federal Government Spending

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

U.S. Federal Government Outlays (discretionary and mandatory) from 1962 through 2023 forecasted. The area of each pie is proportional to total spending amount so…
Two Louisiana residents filed a lawsuit Friday against Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation, claiming the actor’s nonprofit built houses after Hurricane Katrina that are “substandard,” rotting and falling apart.
Late Monday night, the group Eagle Forum released a statement that its founder, the Christian and conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, had passed away at the age 92 and immediately, The New York Times published a story to serve as cue cards for the major broadcast networks to blast Schlafly for stymying the Equal Rights Amendment and advocating for traditional family values for decades. At the same time, others used the initial moments after the announcement to hurl venom that only the left could summon in reveling at her passing.