
Steve Jobs believed that all students would benefit from more school choice, as the monopoly in education was broken up.


The lower federal courts have made themselves the sole and final law of the land.


"This is a GOP tax plan? Possibly 30% of middle class gets a tax hike? I hope the final details are better than this," Paul tweeted.


Antifa attacks and bloodied an old man with weapons


Trump Campaign Growing in Key States, Moves Arizona Event 'Due to Overwhelming Response' - Breitbart
Also due to Trump's growing support, he's formed a South Carolina Steering Committee.


Maher on Whether Democratic Primary Was Rigged: 'It Doesn't Matter' - 'It's Over'


Sixteen Republican candidates apparently are not enough. Jim Gilmore, a former governor of Virginia, filed paperwork Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission to run for president, making him the 17th major Republican figure to enter the crowded White House race. Gilmore was governor on September 11, 2001 when hijackers crashed an airliner into the Pentagon, which is in Virginia across the Potomac River from Washington.


That Time Jeb Bush Praised Attacks on John Kerry’s Military Record


Dickinson College in Pennsylvania published an op-ed in its student newspaper claiming that the world needs to be saved from "the white man," arguing that white men have "become obsolete" and "have yet to demonstrate any collective competence in treating people as human beings."


Reuniting using the game that brought them together


The U.S. Supreme Court returns from recess next week, and could authorize an abortifacient arrangement that protects religious liberty.


Dalton Trumbo, Pete Seeger and Charlie Chaplin all shilled for Hitler at the start of WWII.


The FBI "failed to preserve" five months worth of text messages exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the two FBI employees who made pro-Clinton and anti-Trump comments while working on the C


Until the 19th century, the Chinese practiced a method of torture called lingchi. Better known as “death by a thousand cuts” it involved slicing small pieces of flesh from a victim’s body, one by one, so that death was both protracted and utterly excruciating. This is what the realities of economics are doing to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The authors of health care “reform” believed they could ignore the dismal science. The laws of economics have rewarded this hubris by ruthlessly inflicting fact after agonizing fact on Obamacare. And, like all lingchi victims, it will eventually succumb.


An adaption from the forthcoming book, The Wilderness: Deep Inside the Republican Party’s Combative, Contentious, Chaotic Quest to Take Back the White House.


Where should I send my kids to college? It’s the question I’ve heard more than any other in the past few weeks. The list of schools where students can get a decent education has been dwindling for ...


The problems at Germany’s migrant majority schools are spiralling out of control, The President of Germany’s Teachers Association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger, tells BILD newspaper. In an interview, Meidinger says that the number of attacks on teachers at migrant majority schools is increasing and several schools already need private security. Several children also possess knives and ?gasRead More


You must be charitable. Not only in the philosophical sense towards people who live in ignorance of the demographic time-bomb, but in the real world.


A panel of conservative commentators joined George Stephanopoulos Sunday on "This Week" to discuss the challenges facing the divided Republican Party this election season. Stephanopoulos asked guest Mary Matalin if she thinks the GOP will "blow up" if Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump does not win the 1,237...


Dennis Hof is the owner of several brothels in Nevada, most notably the Moonlite BunnyRanch, where the HBO documentary series, "Cathouse" was set.


Entitlements are “the realities of how people live now” and “necessities of a 21st century economy,” so "we've got to retool our system," Pres. Obama declared Tuesday.


An Arizona state court rejected a challenge lodged by Dr. Kelli Ward, the state's Republican Party chairwoman.


How can Americans now trust the intelligence agencies shown to be corrupt in the very recent past?


Speaking of hilarious Wednesdays, today's news is as funny as it gets. After the recent reports of Google search-engine bias, when the results for the