This week brought yet another tussle in the altogether imaginary public battle over Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s future at the Supreme Court, this time in the...
As professional sports turned political, fans dropped like flies. They stopped tuning in after NFL stars offended patriotic Americans by protesting the national anthem. ESPN is feeling the pinch, too, as its viewership continues to fall. That has a lot to do with how it has demonized conservatives as opposed to doing what it should: broadcast sports. But as they say, the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem and ESPN’s public editor, Jim Brady, has seen the error of the company’s ways:
Sen. Ted Cruz announced Friday that he will introduce a constitutional amendment to limit the number of terms members of the Senate and the House of Representatives can serve. Cruz, along with Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., made the announcement in an op-ed in the Washington Post, and said their plan is a great way to implement President-elect Trump's plan to drain the swamp. The proposal would limit members of the Senate to two terms, while members of the House would be limited to three terms in office. On Election Day, the American people made a resounding call to 'drain the swamp' that is modern Washington. Yet on Capitol Hill, we seem mired in the same cycle of complacency, wrote the pair of conservative lawmakers. The game hasn't changed, and the players remain the same. Thankfully, there's a solution available that, while stymied by the permanent political class, enjoys broad public support.
President Trump on Wednesday expressed hope the White House would defeat CNN in a lawsuit over his decision to suspend the press credentials of
He had been handpicked for the City Hall job by the mayor.
In their desperate attempts to paint the incoming Trump administration as anti-Semitic, The Huffington Post has found a story they think will really stick: National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn met with Heinz-Christian Strache, the head of the Austrian Freedom Party, a few weeks ago. Strache is an ally of Vladimir Putin’s; the Freedom Party is a far-right European nationalist party. Their headline: “MIKE AND REICH: FLYNN MET LEADER OF EX-NAZI PARTY.”
Delta passenger says Muslim who claims he was removed from flight for speaking Arabic
Breakdown in traditional voting blocs for Dems and Reps alike means big opportunities for libertarian-style policies.
It was quite sad, pitiful, and driven by self-hate and ignorance.
Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other Democrats this week re-introduced legislation that would set up a commission to consider whether reparations should be paid to black Americans for slavery. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has proposed the bill in each Congress for at least the last two decades. A description of the bill said the legislation would set up a commission to both examine the possibility of reparations, but also an apology for the racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans. It's a response to the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States. Conyers' new bill wasn't released as of Wednesday, but the version of the bill proposed last year found that 4 million blacks were enslaved in the U.S. from 1619 to 1865. It said the commission would examine the entire history of slavery, and then make recommendations on whether the U.S. government should apologize for slavery, and whether reparation payments are warranted.
Some 65 Wisconsin families are currently being held hostage in their own homes by the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
President-elect Donald Trump will have six religious prayers as part of the ceremony, three invocations and three benedictions.
Sheriff Clarke: 'I’m Tired of One-Percenters like Mark Zuckerberg' Lecturing Us About Who We Are
"It seems the California State government is bracing for an all out war with the Trump administration."
On CNN Thursday, UC Berkeley professor and former Democratic Secretary of Labor CNN guest Robert Reich suggested the anti-Trump riots on campus were actually...
Despite a revolt by two Senate Republicans, Donald Trump's pro-school choice nominee for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, has been confirmed by the Senate — but only with Vice President Mike Pence providing the tie-breaking vote.  Pence stepping in to break the 50-50 tie is the first time in American history that a sitting vice president has helped confirm a Cabinet nominee.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has approved a constitutional reform bill that would vastly strengthen the powers of his office and a referendum on the issue is likely on April 16, officials said on Friday.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Tuesday said Tucker Carlson’s exit from Fox News showed that Rupert Murdoch’s network betrayed its...
Several members of law enforcement are disappointed and disturbed by what happened to the police officers at a Raleigh restaurant.
OPINION | We need to move beyond the hyperventilated pronouncements of criminal conduct or impeachable offenses based on this memo.
Reuters ? 26 June 2017, 0800 ET ? Philadelphia, PA Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Seminars is pleased to announce the appointment of William Jefferson Clinton as Dean and Senior Lecturer.   …
Feelings-based "science" is becoming our official state religion.