
Liberal author CJ Werleman issued a tweet advocating a military coup against President-elect Donald Trump.


By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Right Wing News God bless Louie Gohmert. The conservative Texan Congressman is not only a principled man... he has a spine


Appearing as a panel member on Tuesday's CNN Tonight, CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley repeated as if were fact the claim that Ronald Reagan's campaign in 1980 pressed the Iranian government to delay the release of the Americans held hostage to hurt President Jimmy Carter's reelection chances. Neither host Don Lemon nor fellow CNN presidential historian Timothy Naftali noted that a Democratic Congress failed to find evidence of such illicit activity when they investigated the October Surprise conspiracy theory in the early 1990s. Brinkley: "Ronald Reagan was taking on Jimmy Carter, and there was the October Surprise meeting keeping the hostages in Iran. William Casey, people in the Reagan administration were interfering with foreign policy then saying, 'Keep the hostages in until after the election.' So it has happened before."




Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.


There are a lot of Dems that could qualify...


It looks like the Clintons are running for cover. After Donald J. Trump devastated the once formidable Clinton political machine in November – the Clinton Global Initiative, the centerpiece initiative of the Clinton Foundation, the former first couple?s political and financial power structure – is being shut down. According to a notice filed with the New York [?]


America’s traditional partners already are turning to Beijing.


State Department employees harboring anger about President Donald Trump's travel ban are welcome to find a new place to work, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Monday.


Steven Gern an American working in Iraq gives his opinion on President Trump's executive order to temporarily ban travel from seven Muslim-majority countries...


The vast majority of left-wing protesters arrested on suspicion of politically-fuelled offences in Berlin are young men who live with their parents, a new report found.


The post-millennials are coming of age, and this new "Generation Z" is trending conservative.


Instagram only notifies its users of notifications under some circumstances. This circumstance being a screenshot taken of the disappearing photos sent on direct message feature of Instagram. So no Instagram screenshot notifications are received if any other user takes a screenshot of their content. Initially, just like Snapchat, the feature did exist prior to 2018 but Instagram decided to remove it permanently. Now there is no scope of the feature to come back. Snapchat is currently the only application to do so.


Rosines Chavez, daughter of socialist revolutionary Hugo, jumped on a plane to Paris after posing with a fist full of dollar bills on social media in 2016. She is one of the Rich kids of Venezuela.


There is neither contrition nor redemption in the “gotcha” culture or the current Democratic Party.


Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera took issue with the Black Lives Matter movement and Democratic leaders on Monday night, grousing that they aren’t concerned enough with “Black on Black crime” and claiming there is a “ghetto civil war going on.”With protests still raging over George Floyd


The president is considering nominating Lieberman, a former Democratic senator and once Al Gore’s running mate, to become the next director of the FBI.


Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out - David Horowitz


Rachel Carson is, and should be, a revered environmental icon. But her crusade against one pesticide cost millions of people their lives.


A top Biden administration diplomat admitted Sunday that it is “hard to understand” why the U.S. and other world powers are negotiating with Iran.


San Francisco business owners fought off attempted smash-and-grab robbers at a camera shop in Chinatown.


“Why not fund the welfare state with a 100% inheritance tax?” asks Abi Wilkinson in a Monday-publ


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has doubled down on his allegations that those who question his company's vaccines are "criminals," warning that "they literally cost lives"


Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh praised Senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul (R-KY) for his handling of questions on abortion