End the hate WE know the countdown to 11pm tomorrow is traumatic for some Remainers, but they can’t have it both ways. They tell Leavers not to be overtly triumphant. That the country must unite. O…
How Sonia Sotomayor typifies leftist contempt for Rule of Law.
Documents Reveal Steele Was Admonished in February, 2016 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today the FBI turned over 70 pages of heavily redacted records about Christopher Steele, the former British spy, hired with Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee funds, who authored the infamous Dossier targeting President Trump during last year’s presidential campaign.  The...
In an unexpected move Thursday, June 21, 2018, a North Carolina House Democrat moved to kill her own bill that would have started the process to create a statewide universal health care system. Republicans had resurrected the bill.
The diary of a desperate mother trying to put food on the kitchen table
Did you know that Google is secretly tracking and recording your every move? It also keeps tabs of where you took your photos.

The Curious Case of Cheryl Mills

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The FBI's Labor Day weekend document dump regarding its investigation of Hillary Clinton gives those who thought the result was predetermined much to complain about. The FBI's notes confirm that her former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, was among the several lawyers representing Clinton in her FBI interview. Mills was hip-deep in the events at the heart of the FBI's criminal investigation and was herself a material witness who had previously sat for her own interview. Yet not only was she allowed by the Department of Justice to participate as counsel in Clinton's interview, her communications with Clinton and other material witnesses also were actively protected by the Department of Justice throughout the criminal and civil investigations. Typically, the DOJ would look askance where a material witness sought to act as a lawyer for the subject of a federal criminal investigation. In Mills's case, Justice lawyers went out of their way to accommodate this highly unusual dual-hat role. For those who wonder whether Clinton's FBI interview was all for show, Mills's participation as a lawyer should be Exhibit A.
The entrepreneur Elon Musk is mocked as an oddball. But he only seems that way because culture is so homogenised, and we are dull to eccentrics

How is Real Wealth Created?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

  An Abrupt Drop Let’s turn back to our regular beat: the U.S. economy and its capital markets. We’ve been warning that the Fed would never make any substantial increase to interest rates. Not will…
Democratic mega donor Jeffrey Leeds told Colin Powell in two separate emails the Hillary Clinton’s legal troubles would not make President Barack Obama, a man she apparently "hates," upset and cit

ELKHORN, Wis. (AP) - House Speaker Paul Ryan was booed and heckled by Donald Trump supporters at a party unity rally in his congressional district Saturday, an event that the Republican nominee had

Check out this list of ways that leftists are hypocrites to see how Democrat lies, tyranny, and hypocritical actions are destroying America during the riots!
Manishkumar Patel, 45, was convicted of attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child.

Live Action on Twitter

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

“This is the most detailed MRI scan taken of a preborn baby. The amazing video shows a child at 20 weeks moving, turning her head, and kicking. The child's beating heart can also be seen! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Video credit and info: https://t.co/0B6kDp1B7i and https://t.co/MGwTRCzYg3 https://t.co/mXI5tlrEYA”
Unfortunately, a handful of congressional Republicans foolishly joined with Democrats to form a group known as the Climate Solutions Caucus.
The aim is to ridicule the New York Times for their angry (or "salty") reaction to the election of Donald Trump.

Uniquely Talented

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Only the Democrats Could Have Lost to Trump
It is alleged that Hillary Clinton won a popular vote majority. Therefore, if the nation were not burdened with the antiquated Electoral College, anguished and freaked-out Americans whine, she, instead of Donald Trump, would be the next president of the United States.
Law enforcement officials have reportedly arrested attorney Michael Avenatti for felony domestic violence after his estranged wife filed a police report Tuesday over an incident that left her face "swollen and bruised."
Veterans Affairs will mandate VA regulatory changes affecting VA care in all states, creating a states rights problem, to allow advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) to treat veterans without …
After a US abstention, the UN Security Council passes a resolution simultaneously declaring settlements illegal, while also demanding a halt to their construction; US ambassador Power: 'One cannot champion settlements and the two state solution.'
Jackie Evancho is defying what seems to be conventional entertainment wisdom, that singing at Trump's inauguration is career-threatening, because she just…
Germany's insistence on austerity in the euro zone has left Europe more divided than ever and a break-up of the European Union is no longer inconceivable, German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told Der Spiegel magazine.
SCOTUS could begin dismantling the legal foundation of the administrative state.