
The Left’s anti-Trump hysteria just took a potentially deadly turn.
An undercover investigation by Project Veritas has exposed the D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition’s plans to attack the inauguration of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence. Rather than allow Trump-Pence supporters and others to celebrate the peaceful transition of power between the 44th and 45th presidents of the United States, leaders of the DCA-FC are conspiring to sabotage the pro-Trump DeploraBall, scheduled for Thursday, January 19, at the National Press Club.
“It would be really something if we could stop them from having the DeploraBall at all,” said one radical in video footage captured by an investigator for the conservative watchdog group who infiltrated this far-left hate organization. Project Veritas’s journalist attended a December 16 planning meeting at the Love + Solidarity Collective in Washington, D.C.
The DCA-FC plans to assault the sold-out inauguration-eve soirée, for which I registered on December 29 and that I’m excited to attend. Their weapon of choice? Butyric acid bombs.
“If you had . . . a pint of butyric acid, I don’t care how big the building is, it’s closing,” DCA-FC conspirator Luke Kuhn said at another planning session at Comet Ping Pong, a D.C. pizzeria. “All you got to do is pull the pin, press the plunger, and the whole can discharges.”
Leftists might try to claim that butyric acid bombs are nothing more than “stink bombs” — but butyric acid is hardly Earth-friendly. It is a frightful, dangerous chemical.
“Inhalation causes irritation of mucous membrane and respiratory tract; may cause nausea and vomiting,” according to the National Institute of Health. “Ingestion causes irritation of mouth and stomach. Contact with eyes may cause serious injury. Contact with skin may cause burns; chemical is readily absorbed through the skin and may cause damage by this route.” Other effects include “cough, shortness of breath, labored breathing . . . abdominal pain; shock or collapse.” NIH also advises: “Contact with metals may evolve flammable hydrogen gas. Containers may explode when heated.”
“That stuff is nasty enough that it will seep,” DCA-FC fanatic Scott Green boasted. “It will spread.”
DCA-FC also hopes to trigger the fire alarms at the DeploraBall.
“I’m trying to think through how to get all the sprinklers to go off at once,” said DCA-FC saboteur Colin Dunn. “There’s usually a piece of, like, fusible metal or a piece of glass with liquid in it that will blow.”
The idea is to send pro-Trump revelers scrambling from the National Press Club. “Everybody is going to walk outside in the freezing cold,” Dunn said, most likely into throngs of enraged protesters.
Naturally, engaged sprinklers would bring firefighters racing to this major office building, divert precious government resources, and create follow-on, possibly lethal hazards, including collisions between speeding fire trucks and pedestrians or other vehicles. Firefighters also could find themselves deployed at this scene of politically motivated pandemonium, rather than at blazes that roar elsewhere.
Activating sprinklers also would cause water damage to the building and its tenants, causing further unnecessary havoc and destruction.
This was not just idle chatter by these so-called anti-fascists. In the video, Dunn and Green make plans to visit the National Press Club building and survey its premises.
“It may work better with two people,” Dunn explained. “That way, it’s not one person’s memory saying, ‘Here’s where everything is.’”
Green then distributed an e-mail on December 21, confirming that this surveillance had occurred.
“The reconnaissance went pretty well,” he wrote, “and we left with the confidence that we can accomplish our objectives with no negative consequences for our side, nor any collateral damage.”
There is nothing cute or funny about any of this. These violent extremists refuse to accept Donald J. Trump as president and will not give the incoming chief executive even 24 hours to see if he indeed lives down to their dark fantasies about his agenda. Instead, these agitators plot mayhem and destruction and break the law.
There is nothing cute or funny about any of this. These violent extremists refuse to accept Donald J. Trump as president.
At a minimum, if executed, DCA-FC’s conspiracy looks like a clear violation of Washington, D.C. Code § 22-1319 (c)(1):
It shall be unlawful for anyone to willfully or knowingly, with the intent of intimidating or frightening people, causing panic or civil unrest . . . make, or cause to be made, a false or fictitious report to any individual, which initiates a response by District of Columbia emergency personnel or officials.
Since these wicked people hope to rock the federal city, they already may have breached numerous statutes in the U.S. Code and certainly will, if they actually unleash their evil.
Appropriately enough, Project Veritas has briefed the FBI, Secret Service, and the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department about DCA-FC’s savage ambitions. In addition to unveiling this group’s anti-American behavior, Project Veritas’s advance word to law enforcement could spare scores of innocent U.S. citizens from potentially injurious chemical attack.
Now that law enforcement is aware of their plans, will these self-styled “anti-fascist” warriors retreat? Thursday night will tell.
Whether or not they abandon their subversion, these bitter clingers will not vanish any time soon.
“The next four years, we are going to fight Trump and everything he stands for with no quarter asked, no quarter given,” warned a member of the leftist umbrella group DISRUPTJ20. “No mercy of any kind.”
“If you try to close us down, we will look for your house,” Luke Kuhn of DCA-FC threatens. “We will burn it. We will physically fight the police if they try to steal one of our places. We will go to war, and you will lose.”
Even if they stand down, the D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition already has unmasked the utter vacuity of the Left’s slogan: “Love trumps hate.”
— Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor and a contributing editor with National Review Online.


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