
Our government is paying these schools to teach children to be terrorists.


Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.


In a battle to try to out-fake Jim Acosta and CNN, CBS upped the ante of fake news by trying to angle a national story to pin violence on Trump supporters. “In Portland, a massive demonstration by a right wing group turned violent,” are the first words out of Reena Ninan‘s mouth during a CBS …


The disgustingly dishonest Washington Post has published a hit piece designed to discredit an incredible new report exposing a Democratic plan to steal upcomin


Who knew being a Democrat was so funny? Oh, that's right ... we all did.


The removal of Alex Jones content from all the various mediums is still sending shockwaves throughout the free world. It turns out there are indeed limits to free speech on the internet even when y…


Newly released emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state raise questions about the nature of the department's relationship with the Clinton Foundation.


According to a new survey, the number of African American small businesses increased by a staggering 400% in a year-over-year time period from 2017 to 2018.


Mounting evidence suggests a lot of published research is false. Check out Audible: http://bit.ly/AudibleVe Support Veritasium on Patreon: http://bit.ly/VePa...


Excerpted from McIntyre In The Morning | KABC-AM (8/16/2016) The controversy surrounding Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s health continues t...


The president benefits from the economy — and from his enemies.


Louisiana Mayor Rick Ramsey said Tuesday that the flooding in his town was “man-made” and that he plans to file a lawsuit against both state and federal governments. He expects insurance companies …


'As much as I disagree ...'


If Hillary is elected, forced vaccinations likely to follow.


Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) received intense scrutiny from CNN and MSNBC on Thursday after he was caught in an apparent lie earlier in the day about documents he released that were connected to Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearing.


The end-of-September event is the first time Nelson has ever performed directly on behalf of a political candidate


The holiday season is in full swing and millions of Americans are making their way to their Christmas destinations.


It's happening, just not in the way that most had anticipated. Conservative wonks have been expecting the usage of the "poor little Hillary" card by the mainstream media ever since it became apparent that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would be the nominees. We had assumed it would be based upon harsh attacks by Trump and his surrogates that would be painted as misogynistic rants, but now that it's happening we're kicking our own collective tails for not seeing its real manifestation all along.


The University of Maryland at College Park announced Friday a new diversity support group to create a “safe space” for white students to discuss their feelings about “interactions with racial and ethnic minorities.”


A man who fatally shot a hatchet-wielding assailant will not face criminal charges. Prosecutors concluded the man, a customer at a 7-Eleven store near Burien, used lawful force in defending a clerk who was wounded in the attack.


Democrats Fear Colorado Is Slipping Away to Donald Trump


President Barack Obama said Saturday night he will take it as a personal insult if the African-American community fails to turn out for the presidential election and encouraged black voters to support Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


This viral blog post is the rhetorical equivalent of me saying I had a great trip to the doctor in America, therefore the United Kingdom’s NHS sucks.


Even "good'"cops can kill unarmed black men. One can't think or pray away bias. It needs deliberative, purposeful action that becomes second nature, says Issac Bailey.


Cruz isn't taking it from AOC today.