
Shortly after this aired, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff Drew Hammill accused Ryan himself of uttering the phrase.


Distinction between Bitcoin and Currency of Central Banks
What is the difference between central bank authorized currency and Bitcoin? The bearer of central bank authorized currency can merely tender it for exchange of goods and services. The holder of Bitcoins cannot tender it because it's a virtual currency not authorized by a central bank. However, Bitcoin holders may be able to transfer Bitcoins to another account of a Bitcoin member in exchange of goods and services and even central bank authorized currencies.
Inflation will bring down the real value of bank currency. Short term fluctuation in demand and supply of bank currency in money markets effects change in borrowing cost. However, the face value remains the same. In case of Bitcoin, its face value and real value both changes. We have recently witnessed the split of Bitcoin. This is something like split of share in the stock market. Companies sometimes split a stock into two or five or ten depending upon the market value. This will increase the volume of transactions. Therefore, while the intrinsic value of a currency decreases over a period of time, the intrinsic value of Bitcoin increases as demand for the coins increases. Consequently, hoarding of Bitcoins automatically enables a person to make a profit. Besides, the initial holders of Bitcoins will have a huge advantage over other Bitcoin holders who entered the market later. In that sense, Bitcoin behaves like an asset whose value increases and decreases as is evidenced by its price volatility.
When the original producers including the miners sell Bitcoin to the public, money supply is reduced in the market. However, this money is not going to the central banks. Instead, it goes to a few individuals who can act like a central bank. In fact, companies are allowed to raise capital from the market. However, they are regulated transactions. This means as the total value of Bitcoins increases, the Bitcoin system will have the strength to interfere with central banks' monetary policy.
Bitcoin is highly speculative
How do you buy a Bitcoin? Naturally, somebody has to sell it, sell it for a value, a value decided by Bitcoin market and probably by the sellers themselves. If there are more buyers than sellers, then the price goes up. It means Bitcoin acts like a virtual commodity. You can hoard and sell them later for a profit. What if the price of Bitcoin comes down? Of course, you will lose your money just like the way you lose money in stock market. There is also another way of acquiring Bitcoin through mining. Bitcoin mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as the black chain, and also the means through which new Bitcoins are released.
How liquid is the Bitcoin? It depends upon the volume of transactions. In stock market, the liquidity of a stock depends upon factors such as value of the company, free float, demand and supply, etc. In case of Bitcoin, it seems free float and demand are the factors that determine its price. The high volatility of Bitcoin price is due to less free float and more demand. The value of the virtual company depends upon their members' experiences with Bitcoin transactions. We might get some useful feedback from its members.
What could be one big problem with this system of transaction? No members can sell Bitcoin if they don't have one. It means you have to first acquire it by tendering something valuable you possess or through Bitcoin mining. A large chunk of these valuable things ultimately goes to a person who is the original seller of Bitcoin. Of course, some amount as profit will certainly go to other members who are not the original producer of Bitcoins. Some members will also lose their valuables. As demand for Bitcoin increases, the original seller can produce more Bitcoins as is being done by central banks. As the price of Bitcoin increases in their market, the original producers can slowly release their bitcoins into the system and make a huge profit.
Bitcoin is a private virtual financial instrument that is not regulated
Bitcoin is a virtual financial instrument, though it does not qualify to be a full-fledged currency, nor does it have legal sanctity. If Bitcoin holders set up private tribunal to settle their issues arising out of Bitcoin transactions then they might not worry about legal sanctity. Thus, it is a private virtual financial instrument for an exclusive set of people. People who have Bitcoins will be able to buy huge quantities of goods and services in the public domain, which can destabilize the normal market. This will be a challenge to the regulators. The inaction of regulators can create another financial crisis as it had happened during the financial crisis of 2007-08. As usual, we cannot judge the tip of the iceberg. We will not be able to predict the damage it can produce. It's only at the last stage that we see the whole thing, when we are incapable of doing anything except an emergency exit to survive the crisis. This, we have been experiencing since we started experimenting on things which we wanted to have control over. We succeeded in some and failed in many though not without sacrifice and loss. Should we wait till we see the whole thing?


Lego is asking its affiliates to temporarily halt advertising for toy collections depicting the White House and police stations in the wake of nationwide protests over the police custody death of George Floyd. It is also releasing a new line of sets including Antifa members and communist rioters com


Why are Republicans so nervous about extolling the benefits of the free market?


And so we have arrived at a state of near-anarchy in the formerly United States of America, now ...


Economists expected the ADP report to show that private payrolls grew by 185,000 in May from the initially reported 177,000 in April.


Yesterday, as news of Otto Warmbier’s sad and tragic death spread across the Web, a number of people on Twitter recalled and reposted a series of leftist hot takes on Warmbier’s initial arrest and imprisonment. Let’s just say that they did not age well.
Comedy Central’s Larry Wilmore was one of the chief offenders, launching one of his shows with an eight-minute festival of mockery that accepted the North Korean regime’s version of events, mocked Warmbier’s anguished tears, and even posted a graphic calling him an “ass” — based on the initials of a fictional fraternity. The message? Let’s mock frat bros when they go where Daddy can’t protect them ...


WASHINGTON — Confronted Sunday by his Republican counterpart over his harsh rhetoric, Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez offered no apologies for claiming that GOPers ?don?t …


A UN committee tasked with combatting racism has issued a formal "early warning" over conditions in the United States, a rare move often used to signal the potential of a looming civil conflict. The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination said it had invoked its


Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein had a close relationship with President Barack Obama, visiting the White House complex on 13 occasions


Alisyn Camerota would not let it go.


A Virginia mom who endured Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution before immigrating to the U.S. ripped a Virginia school board at a public meeting Tuesday over its stubborn support of the controversial critical race theory.


The Nobel prize-winning scientist was castigated after he said women in laboratories either fell in love with their male colleagues or cried when criticised. He later joked he was a ‘chauvinist monster’.


Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) presidential campaign is calling on the New York Times to issue a formal apology.


When the nation’s leading anti-poverty warriors recently gathered in Washington, D.C., House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) outlined a


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz brought his no-compromise message to the RedState Gathering on Saturday, thrilling hundreds of hardened conservatives who flocked to Atlanta with a pledge to reject "mealy-mouthed statements about acceptance and surrender."
Cruz received one ovation after another for his crowd-pleasing promises to repeal...


The governor of Minnesota is reportedly preparing to announce a replacement in the Senate for Al Franken. But Franken has not resigned yet. He has only announced his intention to resign. The Washington Free Beacon reports: Minnesota Governor to Announce Franken’s Replacement on Wednesday...


I might be a raging homo, but I still innately understand the male need to conquer, crush and win.


Employees at a Tim Hortons franchise owned by the children of the chain's founders say they're losing paid breaks and other benefits in response to Ontario's minimum wage hike.


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Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) told reporters that it is time to unify the Republican Party and that the "party has lost its vision."


French jets carry out their biggest bombing raid in Syria after Islamic State gunmen massacre 132 people in Paris.