Seven of the nine ISIS jihadis who launched a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris last November entered Europe by posing as refugees. The attackers were part of a group of 14 who plotted their way into Western Europe by riding the wave of the migrant crisis last year, according to Hungarian security officials. …
The former White House aide who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault delivered a message to female voters in an interview.
The GOP and Republican voters are not on good terms.
Benghazi Victim's Mom Guest of Trump at 3rd Presidential Debate
Voter Fraud Proof - 18 Million Invalid Registration & 2 Million Are Dead - Donald Trump - Lou Dobbs ==============================­==========­=== **Please Cl...

The Good Censor - GOOGLE LEAK

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

A leaked Google briefing in which the company admits a "shift towards censorship" in Silicon Valley.
Video, script, animation & voice created by Leaked Uploads. Feedback/Contact: [email protected] Update: Huma Abedin may become Secretary of State next ...
Former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova suggested Friday James Comey's reopening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails w
A MIGRANT turf war erupted into violence on the streets of one of Paris' trendiest neighbourhoods early this morning as asylum seekers beat each other to a pulp with wooden clubs.
The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating three acts of vandalism against art galleries, including shockingly obscene graffiti at one gallery that attacked “white art”.
Elections news and videos for the 2016 presidential race. See the latest analysis and data for the election on FoxNews.com.
Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has opened up the Italian media about being compared to US President elect Donald Trump. He also used the opportunity to slam Barack Obama for creating "instability."
Radio host Todd Kincannon from The Kincannon Show tweeted today that a CNN reporter told him Hillary Clinton became physically ...
Networks Slam Stephen K. Bannon, Ignore Democrat Keith Ellison's Radicalism
In a new book, titled: "Enhanced Interrogation," CIA contractor, James Mitchell, reveals several stunning conversations he had with 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, known colloquially as KSM. The Washington Examiner published an excerpt from Mitchell's book in which KSM said that flashy terror attacks were only a small part of the plan to destroy the West:
UConn President Releases Plan to Protect Illegal Immigrants on Campus
Millennials are the only age group in America in which a majority views socialism favorably. A national Reason-Rupe survey found that 53 percent of Americans under 30 have a favorable view of socialism compared with less than a third of those over 30. Moreover, Gallup has found that an astounding 69 percent of millennials say they'd be willing to vote for a "socialist" candidate for president — among their parents' generation, only a third would do so. Indeed, national polls and exit polls reveal about 70 to 80 percent of young Democrats are casting their ballots for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders , who calls himself a "democratic socialist."
These numbers are stunning, and really go to prove what a miracle it was that Trump actually won the election...
The founder of a Muslim-oriented New York television station was convicted Monday of beheading his wife in 2009 in the studio the couple had opened to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
U.S. Jewish Groups Slam Obama Administration for UN Anti-Israel Resolution
Domestic violence is more common over the Christmas break, fuelled by alcohol consumption, family tension and financial issues. A small but significant number of the victims are men.
Being attractive shapes many things in a person's life -- including, apparently, their politics
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you.