When the 115th Congress convenes on Jan. 3, labor reform should be at the top of the legislative agenda. If election day sent any message, it is that
Kavanaugh's Revenge: The Sweet Irony Of Michael Avenatti’s Domestic Violence Arrest - Matt Vespa: Beth jumped on this last night, but creepy porn lawyer .11/15/2018 8:56:25AM EST.
THE terrifying scale of migrant sex attacks in Germany has been laid bare in a new map detailing the thousands of locations where women and children have been raped and abused in 2016 alone.
Democrat Andrew Gillum conceded Saturday to GOP challenger Ron DeSantis in their contentious race in Florida for the governor’s mansion.
Over a thousand British Muslims took to the streets of London yesterday in a menacing show of force, blocking off a central London square

E-Mail to a Liberal Professor

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 9:45 a.m. ET From: Robert McCain ([email protected]) To: Joan C. Williams ([email protected]) Dear Professor Williams: Your article in The Atlantic (“The Democra…
Clinton supporters going full denial mode, blame racism, Russia, the FBI and everything else but Clinton for losing. If you'd like to see just how delusional...
The ABC host continued, "The Obama Administration did nothing that we know of publicly. Why did they do nothing about that huge hack done by China and...
20 million Americans have healthcare due to Obamacare. Republican voters don’t want a repeal without a replacement. Their Senators…
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
Has the House of Representatives really got rid of background checks for gun owners? No.
The order has a 55% approval rating among voters polled — with 35% saying they "strongly approve" — while 38% of voters said they disapprove.
FREE CITY OF DANZIG, 1939 - Hitler's recent maneuvers into Poland have many voicing their concerns that this is a serious invasion that could kick off a larger war, like a second war even worse than the Great War. But experts are cautioning against worrying too much about Adolf Hitler's Poland activities, claiming that the German leader is simply p ...
The far left reveals a terrible habit of politicizing even the most trivial of entertainment like La La Land and the Super Bowl. If you enjoyed that, check o...
A teenager told the Washington Post that a man in his 20s who worked on a military base leaked classified U.S. intelligence documents in their online Discord chat group.
Trump shared some "highly classified information" with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador which was leaked to the Washington Post
A recent front page story in the Wall Street Journal opines that 3 percent economic growth isn't achievable. It argues that 2 to 2.5 percent growth is the best we can do because of low labor force and productivity growth. Who says America can’t grow faster? The long-term growth path for the U.S. economy from 1950 to 2000 is 3.3 percent. Now we can’t achieve even strive for a number below the average? Almost every year President Barack Obama forecast he would achieve more than 3 percent growth — but he never once got there. So the left says it
CNN analysts appeared disappointed by the results showing Republican Karen Handel soundly beating Democrat Jon Ossoff in the special election in Georgia.
Caitlyn Collins' complaint about the purported misogyny of a construction work sign earned her the sweeping ridicule of users on social media.
States have the power to call a convention to amend the Constitution. That hasn’t happened since the Constitution was written, but now the idea is gaining steam.
On January 28, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau earned the love and admiration from elites all over the world when he tweeted out the following: "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome
Angel Family members whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens respond to possible DACA deal with Democrats.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordered the police to stand down as riots and looting broke out across they city, a new report claims,
In an appearance on Fox & Friends Tuesday, leading forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner offered insight into the mindset of Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock. To attempt to understand Paddock?s thinking, Welner suggests looking at the case of James Hodgkinson, a left-wing shooter who opened fire on multiple GOP lawmakers, including Rep. Steve Scalise, at a baseball field.  ?
Portland-area Antifa members poured blood, oil, feces, and cat litter in the area where local patriots planned a flag waving event. "This morning, local antifascists visited the meetup spot in Oregon City where right wing extremists have plans to gather to hold a flag wave this afternoon," said far-left journalist Alissa Azar. "They executed their...