
Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, who is married, received an email from a woman who claims she met him at a speed dating event and wants to "catch up again."


The top Democrat in the Senate on Sunday accused FBI director James Comey of violating federal law by showing favoritism to “one political party over another” by publicly stating that he had been m…


A leaked memo from current Clinton campaign chair John Podesta to a handful of liberal billionaires in late 2007 lays out the longterm progressive strategy to dominate American politics by creating


“Ronald DeRisi” an anti Kavanaugh was arrested Friday for allegedly threatening to murder and assault two U.S. senators over their support for the successful nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Su…


President Barack Obama said on Thursday he would support any move by President-elect Donald Trump to improve healthcare for Amercicans.


Police have charged the six suspects they arrested late on Jan. 21 at a riot in downtown Atlanta with ...


Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Marrakesh COP22 climate conference has ended ? and green groups are just waking up that without US financial support, nobody has committed any money to anythin…


 The midterm election broke countless records, bringing out more voters for midterms than any election in fifty years. This years election wasn’t just about [...]


We live in a liberal world. We conservatives like to say that the United States is a center right nation but, as Joe Biden says, that is malarkey. Within our homes, most of America lives by a center right credo. We do not, however, live a conservative public life. The national conversation has changed and it is a liberal world. Conservative ideas must be whispered | Read More »


Former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshew was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, winning his election for the Houston area seat. He also won another


RUSH: He knows exactly what he's doing and is doing it for a reason. He's doing this on purpose. There is an objective to this. The left just can't help themselves, though. They have to cast this guy... They have to portray him as somebody that's a walking mental midget, that literally has no idea what he's done here by winning the presidency, that has no idea how to talk, has no idea how to behave. They continue to make the mistake of plugging him into their model. They're plugging him into what they think an accomplished politician is, and he's not that, he's never been that, and he's not going to be that.


As Obama and Hillary warned us of the threat of Russian hacking our election it seems behind the scenes Obama was up to no good. Barack Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said repeatedly that DHS has found no evidence of a cyber attack on Election Day. He should have said we found no evidence ?


A federal judge on Thursday ruled that voters whose mail-in and provisional ballots were rejected because of signature issues will have two additional days to resolve the problems and possibly get their votes included.


President-elect Donald Trump has an opportunity to establish "American leadership through innovation," Bill Gates tells CNBC.


Current college students and Jared Meyer, author of "Disinherited: How Washington Is Betraying America's Young," talk about the future of college with WTI's ...


The U.S. government spent more than a decade preparing responses to malicious hacking by a foreign power but had no clear strategy when Russia launched a disinformation campaign over the internet during the U.S. election campaign, current and former White House cyber security advisers said.


Donald Trump decides to shut down the Trump Foundation


One author suggests that President Trump should just resign over the coronavirus response. The only problem? His arguments are baseless and built on propaganda. #PresidentTrump #DonaldTrump #propaganda #leftwinghypocrisy #leftwingbias


By Natalie Musumeci, New York PostSocial media users are blasting top cops with the Chicago Police Department for apparently downplaying the nature of a disturbing online video showing a white


Anita Decker-Breckenridge will act as his representative in the process.


Liberals can thank a Kennedy-hating law pushed by LBJ for the limits on presidential powers to hire familial relations. Liberals can also thank the Clintons for


In her last on-camera interview before her death, Mary Tyler Moore describes why she declined to rally for the outspoken feminist movement.


Fake news infected the body politic this week as liberals lost their minds over President Trump’s falsely-labeled “Muslim ban,” which bars refugees from seven high-risk Muslim majority countries (previously identified by President Obama’s own Department of Homeland Security) for a period of 90 days. The so-called temporary “ban,” issued via presidential executive order, was designed to assess the national security treat posed by ISIS militants infiltrating refugee populations. To be clear, Trump’s executive order doesn’t even scratch the surface of banning all Muslims.


Racist students at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) have implicated Israel as being responsible for giving Donald Trump the idea for building a wal...
