
Hundreds of university leaders nationwide pledge to protect DACA students from potential Trump deportations.


Gov. Phil Murphy apologized for his decision to close schools for the rest of the academic year, but noted hundreds of people are entering New Jersey hospitals daily for coronavirus treatment.


This isn't an easy piece for me to write, being as that I'm exhausted from all the winning. If you recall, that was a promise Donald Trump made to us -- you know, that if we elected him President of these here United States, we would eventually become exhausted from all the winning. The man has not even been sworn in, and I am already wiped out.


No data finds that a single federal program has affected any of its targeted outcomes. This ought to give Betsy DeVos some humility about her position.


Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “ LED Flood Lights Manufacturing Project Report : Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant ...


Hundreds of thousands of women marched on Washington, D.C. over the weekend, supposedly to speak up for women's rights. However, the march organizers made it


According to a source of Clinton biographer Edward Klein, Hillary Clinton has been "talking very seriously about the idea of having her own television show."
On his site, Klein describes a recent get together at Whitehaven, Clinton's home in Washington, D.C., where, according to his source, she declared during the toast, "I'll be back!," while "imitating the growl of Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator" (undoubtedly an auditorily delightful moment).


Here's the link that goes with the video: http://lisahaven.news/2017/01/leftist-memo-leaked-sick-plans-to-attack-trump-andwhen-you-see-whats-in-it-youll-flip...


A Democratic National Committee official expressed his support Friday for the protesters who physically blocked Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from entering a Washington D.C. school. The protester


Dear anonymous sources,
I must confess, you’re helping the mainstream media create some gripping and troubling content.
I’m not sure which of your stories stands out the most. Is it the portrait you painted almost two weeks ago, of a president in his bathrobe compulsively watching the news? Yesterday’s story of a National Security Council in “turmoil,” filled with staffers who “struggle to make policy” to fit President Trump’s tweets? The report in Politico that Trump’s personnel concerns extend “beyond his embattled national security adviser” and that Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus may be on the chopping block, with “Trump campaign aides” drafting “lists of possible Priebus replacements”? The CNN report that “multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials” have “corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent”?
The list goes on and on. You’ve been leaking relentlessly since the very first days of Trump’s presidency, making the president look like a “clueless child,” as the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza put it. Political Twitter amplifies your voice, with countless concerned citizens retweeting the stories you helped create, appending dire worries that “we’re all going to die.”
You’re helping build and sustain an atmosphere of national anxiety and even (in some quarters) outright hysteria. You’re leading us to believe that the nation is in the very worst of hands, with incompetent and malicious people at the helm, ready or even eager to plunge the nation into new wars and completely unable to handle new crises as they emerge.
You may very well be right. Certainly the administration’s rollout of its controversial executive order on immigration was a festival of incompetence and cruelty. There’s the compelling and seriously troubling evidence that national-security adviser Michael Flynn may have lied to Vice President Pence about the nature of his contacts with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. The public spectacle of Trump responding to a North Korean missile launch while in the middle of dinner at his resort was bizarre.
Then again, you may well be wrong. You’ve led us astray more than once. You’ve offered competing and incompatible stories about the allegedly “botched” special-forces raid in Yemen. A Washington Post blow-by-blow detailing an alleged confrontation between the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, John Kelly, and Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon had to be significantly revised. And let’s not forget that one or more of you leaked an “excerpt” of a transcript of Trump’s call with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto that made it appear that Trump had threatened to invade Mexico, after which American and Mexican officials alike denied that any such threats were made.
Simply put, I don’t trust you, and you haven’t given me any reason to change my mind.
Simply put, I don’t trust you, and you haven’t given me any reason to change my mind. Because you won’t go on the record, we’re left with vague descriptions from reporters. You’re supposedly “familiar with” the matter. What does that mean, exactly? Some of you have allegedly spoken with the president. Some of you have spoken with those who’ve spoken with the president. How far down the game of “telephone” are you? Can we truly believe your claims?
I’ve used anonymous sources before, but in a context where I could verify core claims by reference to other, external facts. And I know that anonymous sourcing can be an indispensable aspect of journalism. But let’s be honest, this is getting out of hand.
We keep hearing that Trump is a unique threat, that he’s violating the “norms” of constitutional governance and driving our republic straight toward the cliff of autocracy and conflict. But if this is the case, why aren’t you speaking out on the record so that we can evaluate your credibility and motivations? Why is the “fear of reprisals” (to quote one New York Times story) driving you so far underground?
Are you worried that Trump might fire you? If you actually do know what you’re talking about and have truly valuable insight, you’d be unemployed just long enough to appear on Meet the Press and ink a book deal.
Given the gravity of the accusations, your continued anonymity tells me nothing good. The “career civil servants” among you may be little more than partisan bureaucrats, using hyperbole to fool gullible reporters. The aides and appointees may be mainly jockeying for advantage, hoping to humiliate opponents to gain their own seat at the table. Or, if you’re right, and this president truly is dangerous, your anonymity raises concerns about your courage. Men and women have died for this nation, and you’re not willing to risk your GS rating to save it from incompetence or authoritarianism?
One of the reasons why the public has lost trust in the so-called elite is that it often appears that they’re far more interested in protecting their own careers than in serving the public. Using the press to fight your bureaucratic wars does nothing to dispel that perception. If you believe this president is a menace, go on the record. Give the public a chance to test your credibility. If airing the truth is that important to you, it’s the least you can do.
— David French is a staff writer for National Review, a senior fellow at the National Review Institute, and an attorney.


At least 1,000 girls in the UK have been subjected to the African practice of "breast ironing" -- deforming the breast with a hot rock.


At a Friday sermon delivered on March 31, 2017 at the Al-Faruq Mosque in Copenhagen, Denmark, preacher Mundhir Abdallah cited a hadith according to which the Mu


The black unemployment rate fell in June to a 17-year low.


Yellow vest protestors in Paris battled police during violent clashes Saturday--newly enraged at the billions of dollars that have been pledged to rebuild fire-damaged Notre Dame Cathedral, overshadowing their anti-wealth cause.


BREAKING: DOCUMENTS: Facebook And Twitter Were Told By Biden Campaign What To Censor On Social Media


She's getting in on the action.


Off-Color Remarks - Black Female Slammed For Supporting Rand Paul - Fox & Friends =========================================== **Please Click Below to SUBS...


I used to have a friend who grew up on a farm in South Africa, and the most shocking sentences would come out of her mouth, e.g., “My dog was eaten by lions.” To have a pet eaten by lions is shocking, for an American, because it is unfamiliar, though I suppose it’s just another Tuesday in rural South Africa. The unusual things stand out.
One of the favorite Democratic accusations is that conservatives have no policy prescriptions for preventing dramatic crimes such as the mass murder that was just committed in Las Vegas ...


NRA released a statement calling on Congress to allow the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) re-evaluate bump stocks


Hillary Clinton sent out 8 tweets about Trump’s relationship with Russia leading up to election day in anticipation of the release of the Russia dossier. She was preparing the public for the Russian narrative plot she had been working on with Fusion GPS and dossier author Christopher Steele. The FBI launched their Trump-Russia probe in …


Following a terrorist attack in New York in which eight people were killed by a truck driving into pedestrians, a familiar pattern of post-terrorism punditry has emerged: 1. Both Side A and Side B watch the tragedy unfold; 2. Side A believes that the tragedy could have been prevented with certain legislation 3. Side B, … Continue reading "There’s Nothing Wrong With Politicizing Tragedy"


The IRS sent an inquiry letter to a nonprofit group in order to buy time by preventing the group from complaining to Congress about their treatment by the agency, according to newly released Lois Lerner emails.


Critical Race Theory is behind the riots in our streets. Andrew Breitbart saw it coming; Trump is the first leader to do anything to fight it.