James Livingston, a white Rutgers University professor of history, went on a racist rant against white children and their parents Thursday after visiting a Harlem restaurant. What did he say? Livingston, irritated by the very presence of white children at a local Harlem restaurant that he apparently frequents, penned a rant on Facebook that was captured for posterity by The Daily Caller. The post targeted young, white children as "little Caucasian a**holes." According to the outlet, Livingston wrote, "OK, officially, I now hate white people. I am a white people, for God’s sake, but can we keep them — us — us out of my neighborhood? I just went to Harlem Shake on 124 and Lenox for a Classic burger to go, that would [be] my dinner, and the place is overrun with little Caucasian a**holes who know their parents will approve of anything they do." He added, "Slide around the floor, you little s***head, ?
On trade, military policy and more, the GOP candidate has praise for Bernie Sanders.
The FBI's and CIA's significant analytical disagreement with the NSA over whether Russia tried to help the Trump presidential campaign was reasonable, according to an unclassified report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Tuesday.


Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

WARNING! Extremely Graphic Content! The massacre in Orlando is not just another case of "homegrown extremism." Despite the shameful censoring of the transcri...
Low levels of unemployment and high demand for H-2B visas mean there aren’t enough people working in landscaping this summer.
The rapper who threatened to kill Donald Trump in a YouTube video, where he posed with real weapons and basically lashed out at Trump out of fear that his mommas food stamps would be taken away and he would actually have to get a job, has been arrested. As it turns out, the guns that he and his buddies posed with in their anti-Trump videos were actually stolen. Take a second to let the irony of that sink in. The 22-year-old “rapper” Demarcus Davis was booked on charges of illegal possession of a stolen firearm and three counts of felon
Avenatti couldn't stay silent when he saw a recent post from Brad Parscale, the 2020 Reelection Campaign manager of Donald Trump. He tried to ridicule Parscale: "Ladies and Gentlemen - I bring you the men fighting
This episode is getting more bizarre by the minute. Watch and hear the piece of metal that falls out of Hillary Clinton’s pant leg after she collapses and is dragged into the awaiting van: More Whispers... Bill Clinton Falls Asleep During Hillary's Speech (VIDEO) BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Collapses In Public (VIDEO) (UPDATED) Remember When Hillary …
Fox Searchlight is urging moviegoers to vote during the upcoming presidential election, announcing Monday it will spearhead a new in-theater voter...
Newly released emails show former Democratic Party officials offering Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign detailed advice on how to trick “self-righteous” supporters of Sen. Bernard Sanders into thinking they won concessions from the party establishment.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reversed one of his key campaign promises Saturday, saying at his speech in Gettysburg that the United States will pay for his proposed wall along the southern border — with Mexico "reimbursing" the U.S. at a later date. Trump announced the change when...
What’s the biggest sign that Hillary Clinton’s 2016 candidacy is in danger?  It’s not the narrowness of the race in traditional battleground states like Ohio and Florida where the contests are
70yr old Decorated VIETNAM POW and WAR veteran sentenced to 87 months in Federal prison for not registering a gun 40 year ago. Alfred Pick is 70 years old. He is a Vietnam veteran and recipient of …
A suspect who terrorized prominent Democratic political figures across the nation with suspicious packages containing “potentially destructive devices” was arrested Friday morning, multiple law enforcement sources confirmed to Fox News.
Unnamed sources told conservative media site The American Spectator that Hillary Clinton went into a “rage” on election night after it was evident she was going to lose to Donald Trump.
Upon receiving some accolade for acting or whatever, actor James Cromwell took his opportunity at the podium to promote political civility, and by political civility, we mean threaten that there will be an actual bloodbath should Americans refuse to vote Democrat this November.
When Mike Pence went to a showing of Hamilton on Broadway the other night, he was stepping into enemy territory. The cast, led by actor Brandon Dixon, made a point of lecturing him from the stage. The
The MEDIA shoud be done AFTER this HOT MIC My Website https://theofficertatum.com/ Shop Now https://theofficertatumstore.com/ Booking https://theofficertatum...
Students were threatened with arrest at Grand Valley State University if they refused to stop handing out Constitutions on campus.
​"They are protesting his hateful rhetoric." ​ Students protesting Daily Wire editor in chief Ben Shapiro's appearance at an Ohio State University event...
The President and President-elect skipping intelligence is concerning. Regardless of party.
Trump wants to wean the U.S. off foreign oil. But under Rex Tillerson, Trump's nominee for secretary of state, Exxon was much more focused on pumping oil overseas in Russia and Africa and missed the huge possibility of job-creating oil production at home.
Despite the best efforts of Democrats and the mainstream media to convince them otherwise, 71% of Americans still aren't convinced that Russia is responsible for the 2016 election-related email hacks.
Nate Silver is apparently still sore from his inaccurate 'prediction' that Hillary was going to be elected...