There are problems with oil, gas and coal, but their benefits for people—and the planet—are beyond dispute, writes Matt Ridley.
Have you heard that Hillary Clinton thinks we need to immediately do something about fake news?
Google employees donated $1.6 million to Obama's two White House bids. The president once offered to make the company's CEO Treasury secretary – or create a new cabinet post for him.
The Hunting Ground opens like a horror movie: We meet a suite of innocents who have no idea they’re heading off to hell. This documentary about sexual assault on college campuses begins with YouTube videos of high school girls reacting with tearful joy to their acceptance letters. Lambs to the...
Election transparency advocates have long asserted that ES&S digital scanner voting machines connect to the internet to send results to election department central computers. That connectivity raises security concerns, but state officials say the machines are islands. Now, one advocate has proof they’re wrong.
For a century, Americans lived comfortably with the honoring, North and South, of the men who fought on both sides. But today's America is not the magnanimous country we grew up in.
Is Israel's policy of building civilian communities in the West Bank the reason there's no peace agreement with the Palestinians? Or would there still be no ...
Here’s a paradox for you. Whenever there’s a terrorist attack, the immediate response from government officials and the media is: “Let’s not jump to conclusions.” Yet when there are breaking report…
As with everything in Washington, the decision to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census is stirring partisan fervor.
The Obama administration informed House Speaker John A. Boehner this week it will not prosecute former IRS executive Lois G. Lerner for contempt of Congress, concluding that she did not waive her Fifth Amendment rights to avoid answering questions when she was called to testify nearly two years ago.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a major breakthrough, scientists working at the White House excitedly confirmed Thursday that they have discovered the most fragile element in the known universe: President Donald Trump?s ego. Scientists began to suspect the extreme fragility of the substance after observing that the slightest criticism would set Trump into a crazed rampage. ?Even the ?
A San Francisco union representing the city's police officers is being criticized for an ad with dogs holding a sign: "Black Labs Matter."
Otto Warmbier passed away on Monday. He was 22. The University of Virginia student’s last days were anything but peaceful. He was released just last week...
Republican insiders believe that any candidate who is labeled as pro-amnesty will not win the 2016 nomination, conceding how strongly GOP primary voters are opposed to illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal immigrants. After surveying political insiders from the early primary states,
The Republican frontrunner's original goal was to poll in double digits and finish second in race for the GOP nomination, says the ex-communications director for the short-lived Make America Great Again super-PAC.
Jennifer Marohasy, a scientist with a rather long list of impressive credentials, which includes the founding of The Climate Modeling Laboratory, opens her startling climate report with a dose of reality. "Our new technical paper ...
Is Liberalism Exhausted? - It may not be dead, but it looks mighty worn out.
MARKUS Meechan spent a night in the cells as police probed allegations that offensive material had been published online.
After Orlando, some are calling for stricter gun laws, or even a repeal of the Second Amendment. But gun rights and liberty are inseparable.
That's why it is significant news today that Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) is retiring and will not run for re-election in 2016. How does this related to
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