
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul will sue the U.S. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service for denying his constitutional right to vote on treaties that the Obama administration unilaterally negotiated with dozens of foreign governments.


Laura Ingraham gets it. The ex-Reagan aide and clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas turned radio talker and, coming Monday a Fox News host, has long been one of the most perceptive conservatives out there. Which is why her new book — Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump — comes at exactly the right moment. Along with a handful of others (ahem!) Laura Ingraham understood the rebellion that was brewing in the GOP ranks and understood exactly why this meant a Trump candidacy would have an almost irresistible appeal. In her case she opens her book


The Hispanic population in the United States grew by 1.2 million people from 2017 to 2018, reaching 59.9 million in 2018, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of newly-released U.S. Census figures.


Republican National Committee delegates have approved a resolution condemning the Southern Poverty Law Center, calling the legal advocacy group dedicated to fighting extremism "a far-left organization with an obvious bias."


It didn't stop with Harvey Weinstein. It's now spreading to the political media, where it is about to cause a similar devastating loss of moral credibility.


Attorneys for President Trump have posted a video of a 2016 encounter between Trump and then-campaign worker Alva Johnson that they claim refutes her allegatio


Two police officers have been shot on the West Side, police said early Sunday.


Recent hefty price increases are pushing down real earnings for working Americans.


An exclusive poll by The Standard found that first-term District Attorney Chesa Boudin seems likely to be out of a job before the end of his first term.


(MATURE LANGUAGE AND CONTENT WARNING:) Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media talks about the SCOTUS gay marriage decision, from the viewpoint of a Canadian. "We tr...


NO WHITE MALES ALLOWED! The DNC is looking for IT professionals in their tech department. But the party racists are not interested in white males. They already have too many white males on staff. FOX News reported: White men need not apply. That’s the message out of the Democratic National Committee’s hiring team, currently on ?


Let’s take a look at this Supreme Court case and the man behind Harris Funeral Homes.


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will accuse President Trump of inciting violence in the streets amid racial justice protests in a speech from Pittsburgh this afternoon.


He's not the first and won’t be the last, but comedian Kevin Hart has had it with cancel culture. If someone says anything the political correctness mob views as disapproving,


When an incoming Supreme Court justice can’t even say what a woman is, members of Congress are wise to define “woman” by statute so courts can’t pretend to be confused.


Guy Verhofstadt 8 Jul 2015 plenary speech on Greece


The bill would end the $7,500 personal tax credit at the end of 2017.


Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” 2020 presidential hopeful, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs | Clips


The sheriffs of Clackamas and Washington County in Oregon said they won't send staff to help with the nightly protests in Portland after Gov. Kate Brown unveiled a plan to bring an end to violence in the city.


BREAKING: Abbott Announces Big Down Payment On Border Wall For Texas As DeSantis Sends Reinforcements


Heartland Institute's Justin Haskins discussed the global ESG initiative and compared it to a social credit system used in China.


I keep hearing that false accusations of rape make it harder on real victims of rape. Really? There may be a kernel of truth in this idea but it completely ignores the trauma and pain of the man ...


Trump appeared to bristle at even the mention of gun control, suggesting to the inquiring reporter that such a question could be considered inappropriate just days after the shooting.