
President Trump demanded to know where the billions in Federal funding given to Baltimore had gone but the city's most recent audit. notes 'significant deficiencies.'


WASHINGTON (AP) — Private consultants to the federal official who oversees Medicare billed taxpayers almost $6 million in less than two years to bolster her personal image, including efforts to...


The Supreme Court upheld Arizona voting rules that restrict ballot harvesting and the submission of provisional ballots outside of one’s home precinct.


Laurel Duggan Pro-abortion protesters demonstrated outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home Wednesday evening after a man was charged


Ben Shapiro has created a new video telling the ugly truth about Planned Parenthood. He doesn't just cover the selling of aborted fetuses, but the horrible abortion procedures themselves. Thankfull...


Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who was fired from Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office investigative team for alleged bias against President Trump back in August, also supervised the FBI’s interviews of former National Security advisor Michael Flynn,


Pat Toomey is also pressing for action on his background checks legislation.


By now, you've heard that streaming video giant Netflix is presenting a film featuring 11-year-old girls in a highly sexualized way. The details of the film are so gross that


Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) on Friday claimed that the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was worse than the 2012 Benghazi attack. | Clips


Reagan Reese A team of former Navy Seals and military veterans has developed gun detection technology now implemented in 25 states with the goal of


ANDERSON, S.C. -- Jeff Duncan, the popular and conservative representative from South Carolina's Third Congressional District, held his fifth annual Faith and Freedom Barbecue Monday night. The Anderson Civic Center was packed with 1,800 to 1,900 Republicans who came to hear leading GOP presidential contenders Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Scott Walker.
I'll have more to say about it later; included in the crowd were people representing some key trends and cross-currents in the Republican race. But for now, a quick look at the bottom line.
The candidates spoke in Walker-Carson-Cruz order. Before the speeches, I talked to a lot of people with a broad mix of loyalties. There were plenty of Cruz fans -- he definitely won the sign competition after his volunteers put up dozens of posters along the road leading to the building. But there were Carson fans, too, and some for Walker, plus supporters of some candidates who weren't there, like Carly Fiorina. More than anything, there were people who said they haven't decided, although if they had to make a short list, the night's speakers would probably be on it.


11 Senate Democrats and DNC Chair Tom Perez have now demanded Franken's resignation and his office says in a brief e-mailed statement, Sen. Al Franken will make an announcement tomorrow, without further detail on what the announcement would be.


There are no coincidences.


Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has announced a $221 fund to give loans to black entrepreneurs to start businesses.


As we celebrate our founding, remember 'consent of the governed' is fundamental. And it is that principle Democrats are seeking to eradicate.


After agreeing to extend the monitoring mechanism of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) by reinstalling surveillance cameras a year ago, Iran then announced that it would not allow the IAEA to see images from the devices. The Iranian regime is


On Tuesday, the team at Louder with Crowder uploaded the latest episode of "Change My Mind," a series in which Steven Crowder discusses various political and social issues with everyday people, challenging them to – you guessed it – change his mind.


Sean Buchanan, who opposed immigration restrictions in the name of liberal Christianity, was killed by an undocumented immigrant who hid out in a "sanctuary church."


He's telling you what he's going to do. Believe him.


Boxer and YouTuber Jake Paul slammed Joe Biden for rising gas prices, inflation, high rent, and more on Twitter. He also blasted Biden voters as "the American problem."


Latest release of State Department correspondence shows she did not merely receive sensitive information.


The media tells Judge Roy Moore that his Christian views have no place in this time period dominated by hectoring progressivism and moral rot across all civic and cultural institutions. He is, they say, a relic, a demographic outlier, a dangerous radical sticking his backward ideas in the gears of change just as their bandwagon rolls toward collectivist globalism and taxpayer-funded abortions next to Whole Foods. With the entire world so miserable, where does he get off being so righteous? He is so moral, in fact, so tethered to traditional Christian values that they have to taint his image on


2020 Democratic presidential candidate Julían Castro introduced his “People First” plan to “combat white nationalism and the gun violence epidemic.”


Authorities were continuing the search for a gunman who shot and wounded two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies in an apparent ambush in their squad car. The LA County Sheriff's Department has announced a $100,000 reward for the arrest of the gunman, and the shooting has already become a campaign issue