
Ahead of Labor Day, unions representing millions across several working-class sectors are threatening to authorize work stoppages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement amid calls for concre…


A now-retired elections clerk from Brown County, Wisconsin, says political activists working for a group funded by Mark Zuckerberg “seized control” of the November elections in key cities...


Many, perhaps most Americans are familiar with the Second Amendment to our Constitution -- if not the precise phrasing, at least the key operative language confirming the “right to keep


Doubling down horrifies pundits. He says something that they find offensive, they scream and whine and distort the meaning of what was said


It was just months ago the U.S. Supreme Court said in its Espinoza v. Montana case that governments cannot exclude religious schools from school choice programs.


Nothing the right has done lately compares to the death and destruction caused by months of leftist riots.


Dave McCormick conceded in the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate Republican primary election on Friday night and encouraged his supporters to back Mehmet Oz.


French police convinced direct action taken by migrants trying to storm Channel Tunnel is coordinated by anarchists or far-Left activists


On this day in History, John F. Kennedy assassinated on Nov 22, 1963. Learn more about what happened today on History.


Nancy Pelosi believes President Trump's tweets criticizing Baltimore are racist, because of course they are.


The number of states Trump has to worry about has actually grown.


A new survey shows widespread dissatisfaction with current White House economic policies.


What caused the Civil War? Did the North care about abolishing slavery? Did the South secede because of slavery? Or was it about something else entirely...pe...


On Saturday's AM Joy, the MSNBC show at one point looked like a caricature of itself as frequent guest Fernand Armandi actually made the incendiary claim that the Republican party is a "domestic terror group," and then asserted that voters should not only vote them out, but "consider possibly afterwards locking them up." The Democratic pollster -- known for making wildly over the top statements on the show -- made his hyperbolic comments about locking up Republicans not in response to any sort of charges of legal wrongdoing, but instead in response to simply having a policy disagreement about how to handle the CHIP program.


Story originally published at NewsTarget (NationalSentinel) For all of its existence, the American Democrat Party has stood for distinctly anti-American principles and values, but thanks to a fully…


Sarah Huckabee Sanders bravely appeared on The View today. Sanders is making the rounds to promote her new book, Speaking for Myself: Faith, Freedom, and the Fight of Our Lives Inside the Trump White House.


OTTAWA — The Conservative Party of Canada is positioning itself as the defender of Canada Day, as more communities decide to skip celebrations out of respect for First Nations discovering unmarked . . .


The "three-carrier swap" leaves the Asia-Pacific region without a forward-deployed carrier.


“They love him, gentlemen, and they respect him, not only for himself, but for his character, for his integrity and judgment and iron will; but they love him most for the enemies he has made.” The words were spoken by Edward Stuyvesant Bragg, a one-time Union general in the Civil War turned-Congressman from Wisconsin. At the 1884 Democratic National Convention, Bragg, then a congressional candidate, was selected to second the nomination of New York Governor Grover Cleveland for president. Cleveland had made his reputation as governor by being a staunch opponent of New York City’s corrupt Tammany Hall political machine,


On Monday, when President Trump signed the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund extension, he told a story of being at Ground Zero after the 9/11 terror attacks, that immediately got unhinged liberals coming out of the woodwork to claim he was lying. Kyle Griffin, a producer at MSNBC, actually claimed t...


"The system's capabilities have been demonstrated in Israel..."


NEW YORK (AP) — The Democratic primary for mayor of New York City was thrown into a state of confusion Tuesday when election officials retracted their latest report on the vote count after realizing it had been corrupted by test data never cleared from a computer system.


'I believe that the intention that he was trying to express was that law enforcement asked for the tools that were contained in the Emergencies Act'


In yet another serving justice, Hillary Clinton has been offered a plea deal for her misusing of her private email server while she was filling in as Secretary of State to the ?