"I know all about the past. I'll never forget my own," Alvarez said.
The Florida governor has been entirely silent on primary races outside of his own state.

The Three Obamas

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Hope and Change was left behind long ago. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The public has come to know three Obamas. But which, if any, of these portraits is real, and which are fan...

Trump’s Constructive Chaos

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Things look a mess because the President is undoing unlawful Obama policies. 
I have been targeted by Antifa and its allies for my critical reporting of their violent extremism.
Logan Couture, the captain of the San Jose Sharks, was in Toronto, Ontario on Tuesday night according to an unbelievable tweet he shared this morning. While Cou
The New York Times is defending their editorial board member who called American flags “disturbing.” Their staff member, Mara Gay,
The pro-abortion machine has been working overtime to churn out lies about preborn babies and laws designed to protect them.
The Wilderness | Issue .50 | 6 . 16. 2015 | Tweet Something happened last month that mostly went unnoticed among rank-and-file politicos. The ground shifted underneath their feet, under the weight of a barrage of leaked email stories, foundation donation revelations and rehearsed campaign appearances. Hillary Clinton made her official announcement for President and embarkedRead more
The most recent victim of the slaphappy ?free hugs? panhandler is furious the serial smacker is still out and about, attacking women who decline to share a gratis embrace. ?This g…
When you make a Fidel Castro loving communist the face of Nike, you really can’t be surprised by what happens next.
    Video shows the perp shot himself, but Democrat mobs don’t care about facts…                           &nb…
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) took funds from a program for disadvantaged children and gave it to 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones for
However, the leftist media are suggesting not only that he is some sort of conservative, but also that the man responsible for motivating him is Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. ...
The truth hurts, goes the old saying. Nowhere is that better illustrated than in the liberal media’s treatment of Donald Trump’s presidential announcement. Not to mention the reaction of Hillary Clinton. Trump must never mention that Mexican immigrants have brought violent crime, including the rape of children. That's rude. It's also documented fact.
The U.S. Senate moved Tuesday to overturn a rule aimed at making it easier for customers to sue banks, handing financial firms a big win in their battle against post-crisis regulations.
Rashida Tlaib defended her vote against an emergency spending bill that provided billions to help manage the U.S. immigration crisis, and made Nazi comparisons.
An elderly man was assaulted by protesters outside the White House in Black Lives Matter Plaza, Washington, D.C. Thursday night. 
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine advisory committee plans to hold an emergency meeting this month to discuss ...
The idea that raising corporate taxes will reduce consumer prices is absurd.
Wait times are longer now than last year.
And college admissions offices should reveal the true secret sauce (not test scores) for getting in.
Billionaire Democrat donor Jeffrey Epstein, 66, sits in jail after pleading not guilty this ...
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against The New York Times will go to a trial, according to a federal judge's ruling on Friday. 
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has said he has had no talks with former President Donald Trump or anyone else about his candidacy for a 2024 presidency. It is