In Hong Kong, the Chinese Communist Party has won: It has forced the closure of Apple Daily, the former British colony’s biggest pro-democracy news outlet. Management cites concern for its st…
Moments after President Joe Biden wrapped up his bitterly partisan address to the nation where he scolded Republicans in Congress for not moving fast enough to pass his gun-grabbing agenda, Fox News host Tucker Carlson opened his show and tore into Biden for wanting to take American’s Second Amendment rights a
After inspecting all 16 Planned Parenthood clinics in Florida, the state Agency for Health Care Administration announced Wednesday that three have performed procedures outside the scope of their licenses and one has not kept proper records on disposing fetal remains.
As America gears up for the biggest shopping day of the year. Those infamous trolls over at 4chan are gearing up themselves, for round 2 of one of their most successful ploys of recent memory.
Before Congress, Republican Mueller’s inability to remember what was in his written report proves he was a useful idiot hiding Democrats legal chicanery.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has launched its “Great Reset” initiative. What is their real agenda and what will it look like if implemented?
President Trump recently spoke out on the “woke” propaganda that’s infiltrating our great military. In his speech Trump asked the crowd if they’ve been watching these “woke generals” on television lately. He then proceeded to say our military’s will be uncapable of taking order due to the fact they are being brains washed with the...
Government employees are told terms like "female" and "woman" are undefinable, and "adult human female" can be "transphobic".
Teflon Don: Trump Jumps 7 Points Higher to Commanding Lead over Field in New Post-Debate Poll
The Russians and Democrats are not the same. I’ve actually known honorable Russians. In 1991 I met a man from the USSR named Valentin Suchkov. I was working with a Ukrainian trading company in Cinc…
Tehran’s provocations feed a war scare, masking the realization that Iran has no choice but to eventually negotiate on America’s terms.
This Tuesday during MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” ex-Secretary of State John Kerry once again attacked President Donald Trump for his good relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kerry, who worked as the nation’s top diplomat under ex-President Obama, claimed that Trump was somehow beholdened to Putin. “I think it’s obvious by now, having witnessed the …
Tensions are mounting between Greg Abbott and the Biden admin as Abbott plans to shut down centers holding 4,500 illegal alien children.
South Florida got an early taste of hurricane season, as Tropical Storm Alex dumped massive rains over the weekend. Against that backdrop in Jacksonville
National politics is a game—and Trump wasn't meant to be on the field. He's supposed to be in the owners' box, deciding who gets to play.
The Intercept emerged during the Obama era to provide a service to whistle blowers. Journalist Glenn Greenwald, for example, helped form the Intercept in the aftermath of the corporate media backlash to Edward Snowden's leaks about the massive s...
The Senate quietly confirmed 13 judges chosen by President Donald Trump between Tuesday and Wednesday.
For every high-profile cancellation, there may be dozens who are intimidated into self-censorship.
In a trip to the swingiest congressional district in the swing state of Wisconsin, President Joe Biden detailed a bipartisan
Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-NJ, credited former President Donald Trump for his primary win and slammed President Biden while on 'Fox & Friends First' Wednesday.
ABC News reported on Friday that former national security advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.
Saturday morning mall shoppers in El Paso reacted to a shooting in the local Walmart.
DHM Survey Results September 10, 2020 From September 3 to 8, 2020, DHM Research conducted a survey of Oregon voters. The purpose of the survey was to assess values and beliefs related to the presidential election, ongoing protests across the country and in Portland, and COVID-19. This is the first of three planned data releases […]
Meghan McCain said she wanted to share the news with her co-hosts and viewers at home that she was leaving "The View" at the end of this season.
In case you were still under the illusion that we don’t live in a multi-tier-justice society, one need only look at Democrat elitist Paul Pelosi, husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. DUI charges against him were dropped today, and that’s not all that demonstrated his privilege. As Congresswoman Lauren Boebert noted, “Paul Pelosi’s […]