U.S. - The results of a CNN poll revealed that 52% of Americans are in favor of abolishing the nation's Democratic Republic in favor of a monarchy ruled by an Ultra MAGA King. Another 39% - mostly bureaucrats - are reportedly satisfied with the current system of government.The poll findings, released Thursday, have alarmed both Democr ...
Pope Francis’ highly anticipated papal encyclical “Laudato Si,” which means “Praised Be to You,” was released on June 18 by the Vatican, and the potential fallout from the pope’s assault on fossil fuels will devastate the world’s most impoverished people and cause untold unnecessary deaths.
One of the two unnamed companies in the grand jury indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, is reportedly the Podesta Group — a lobbying firm with strong ties to Hillary Clinton.
The presidential candidate proposes $100 billion to help minority homebuyers, but such interventions always make things worse.
A group of more than 70 former national security officials spanning the last four Republican administrations endorsed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden, arguing that President Trump is “dangerously unfit” to serve another term.
Such laws arbitrarily prohibit rifles that are commonly used for legal purposes.
Bing’s autofill feature failed to make suggestions for terms that could be considered controversial in Beijing, according to a cybersecurity and surveillance group.
“Well, Doctor , what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it.” This week's Independence Day celebrations mark quite the contrast with the modern bureaucratic nanny state, with the all-powerful centralized government we actually have. We'll wave flags symbolizing commonality with our nation's founders who [...]
At a Cabinet meeting Wednesday afternoon at the White House, President Donald Trump revealed that NYC terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov may have been able to help as many as 23 other
California legislation that would require presidential candidates to release their tax returns in order to appear on the state's ballot has cleared a significant hurdle.
Leaking? No briefing for you. President Trump accused members of the House Intelligence Committee of spilling sensitive information to the media Saturday as he explained why his administration will…
Demings is slamming DeSantis for a move to cut off federal unemployment insurance benefits that pay people more to stay home than to work.
Sometimes, in Washington, D.C., it's hard to figure out which side is the good side and which is the bad. It's not an old Western film in which the good guys are the obvious heroes, wearing white cowboy hats and trying to keep the bad guys in check.
Although he is attracting many of the most liberal-leaning Democrats, he cannot expect the same success with those not so far on the left.

The Man in Full

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

A collection of the late Antonin Scalia's speeches, commencement addresses, and eulogies ...
Willem Van Spronsen was a member of the Antifa paramilitary organization, the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club.
With video. Joe Biden said he would not end fracking, after repeatedly saying he would...
Michigan's Republican-led Senate on June 16 passed several bills that, if signed into law, would implement more voter ...
Not to overturn flawed precedent would be the real travesty.
The House Intelligence Committee released a lengthy transcript of an interview former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page gave last week. Page, an energy consultant, has been at the center of the mu
Rep. Henry Cueller D-Tx, responded to the threat of a primary from the four female progressive House members known as "the squad" on Tuesday and accused them of being socialists in disguise. 
Former Australian PM tipped as UK trade envoy says governments risk catastrophic economic damage by trying to over-protect against Covid-19
Thomas Catenacci  Republican Sen. Pat Toomey requested the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) watchdog to review allegations the agency has
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis apparently isn’t done with Disney yet. Last week, Disney got a jump on the upcoming Gay Pride Month by unveiling a lineup of
"[A]llegations of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation necessarily state a claim of discrimination on the basis of sex" barred by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Empl...