A national security correspondent for The New York Times said the media's coverage of the Capitol Riot "overblown," according to undercover video released Tuesday.
Syndicated Analytics new report titled “Aluminium Can Manufacturing Plant Project Report 2024: Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Outlook), Detailed P
Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay." Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News. Multiple people, including Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), two Capitol Hill police officers, and a congressional aide, were reportedly injured. Becca Stanek
The Economist corrects a massive error.

As America Is Torn to Shreds

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Saturday, July 4th I awakened filled with dread, as I customarily do these days. It has to do with my beautiful America being torn to shreds by gangstas and
Several current New York Times staffers were previously employed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-controlled English-language newspaper China ...
A grand jury in Colorado has indicted Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters in the wake of an investigation into election equipment tampering and official misconduct, CBS Denver reports. Mesa County Deputy Clerk Belinda Knisley was also indicted as a result of the same investigation. Peters, who is a Republican who has expressed support for voter […]
Syndicated Analytics' latest report, titled “Plywood Manufacturing Plant Project Report 2024: Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segm...

Thinking About Incitement

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

"He was hunting us."
Amid metastasizing sex scandals and growing secularism, believers try to revive parishes in struggling communities.
Georgia Democrat State Rep. Vernon Jones is calling for the Democratic Party to be renamed because of its racist past.
Faculty at Cornell University have approved a resolution that would remove a suspect's race from crime alerts, arguing that its inclusion encourages suspicion of Black people.
False claims are spreading online that Putin is trying to destroy U.S.-funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine. There's just one problem with this claim — it's completely made up.

Recall effort stymied by Sacramento

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Members of the California Legislature apparently believe they have the power to change outcomes they don’t like. This is like awarding the NBA Championship to Cleveland by retroactively mandating that all of Golden State’s three point baskets be counted as only two. While basketball is not on the minds of lawmakers, they are working to interfere with something of much greater value to average Californians, their constitutional right to recall elected officials. The Sacramento politicians think they have found a way to derail what appears to be a successful grassroots effort to recall state Sen. Josh Newman, who cast a key vote imposing a new $5.2 billion annual gas and car tax on already overburdened taxpayers. The power of recall is a powerful tool of direct democracy. The secretary of state’s website says, “Recall is the power of the voters to remove elected officials before their terms expire. It has been a fundamental part of our governmental [...]
It's not as simple as 'open borders' vs. 'build the wall.' We need to preserve rule of law while letting hard-working immigrants contribute to our economy.
As we can see above, Mary Poppins and company are being frog marched to Rikers Island. The kids will be sent to a reeducation camp in hipster Brooklyn, permanently tattooed with "I love BLM" and serve as "Whiteface Blackface Slaves". And below we see how Mary Poppins and Bert were just so happy a
By: Donald J. Trump The Biden Administration did a terrible disservice to people throughout the world by…
Mạng xã hội chia sẻ và cập nhật tin hot trong ngày.
“We're going to make every effort to pass a bill that dramatically changes the current health care law,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told a news conference on Tuesday.
Biden’s dissembling about Curtis Dunn says so much more about him than any too-close shoulder grasp ever could.
Dr. Robert Redfield, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says the agency will issue “additional reference documents” to facilitate reopening schools.
Senior Tories urge government to 'rethink journey' as it is revealed Navy's new aircraft carrier will not sail through the Taiwan Strait