When it comes to the value life, the networks are prioritizing a baby animal above a baby human – down to the very minute. During Tuesday morning’s news shows, the three broadcast networks combined spent more time on a 3-month-old orca’s death than on a 11-month-old British baby’s impending death.
The New York Times international edition made a terrible mistake publishing the controversial cartoon.
If you live in the suburbs or you’re a city dweller eyeing a move to a quiet cul-de-sac where your kids can play outside, you need to know about Joe Biden’s plan for a federal takeover of local zon…
Once a fervent Twitter user, Donald Trump now considers that the social network "is very boring" and says that "a lot of people are leaving" the platform.
You cannot make this up. Okay, at MSNBC, you can because that’s what you must do to appease your Democratic Party overlords. The network's only reason for existing is to
One person was killed and several injured when a knife-wielding man went on a rampage Friday inside a supermarket in the northern German city of Hamburg, according to reports. The assailant entered…
Individuals in a passing SUV fired on a group of mourners standing outside a Chicago funeral home injuring 14. A witness likened the scene to a 'war zone.'
A judge in Arizona is allowing a recount of the 2020 presidential election ballots to continue, even as Democrats continue to escalate their campaign to suppress the work, and any results that might be found.
A developing story about the case of Ukrainian gas holding company Burisma against People’s Deputy of Ukraine Andriy Derkach has revealed that Burisma did, in fact, bribe Joe and Hunter Biden with large cash payments. The only question is how much did these two crooks receive? In its dismissal of the claim, the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv […]

Passage to Israel

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

During the Gaza War of 2014, my friends on the left — sophisticated, intelligent people in high-level positions — were taking the side of Hamas, a terrorist group. It was my first realization of how deeply anti-Semitism had infiltrated the left, how much it had become an integral part of the politics of “intersectionality.” I decided to curate a beautiful, apolitical photography book about Israel, showing through imagery the country’s inherent beauty and diversity. Not surprisingly, nearly every publisher turned the idea down. Not because of the photos: selecting the best from 35 photographers, the photos were stunning. No, they
Whenever government regulations lead to higher prices, the champions of regulation blame the free market for failing to fix the problem.
n expected 13 percent of the electorate in the 2020 elections, American Hispanics are likely to play a crucial role in deciding contests in Arizona, Florida, and Texas. As the country’s Hispanic population grows larger, many wonder how Republicans can bring this demographic into their fold. Given that the Republican Party has dedicated a good …
Alisyn Camerota sold her soul to Jeff Zucker    
Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton said Friday on ABC's "The View" that the Republican Party was the party of "white supremacists." | Clips

Qatar’s Dirty Hands

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

As the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa was convening to hear testimony on the U.S.–Qatar relationship, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and the gas-rich emirate’s foreign minister were smiling for a photo op before a meeting at the State Department. At the same time that Tillerson and Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani were happily shaking hands, Congress was assessing Qatar’s duplicitous role in the Middle East. If that juxtaposition wasn’t enough, that same day, Qatar hired Avenue Strategies Global, an influence firm founded by President Trump’s former campaign manager, Cory Lewandowski ...
Prices for Bill and Hillary Clinton's 13-city tour have taken a plunge as the pair near the end of a string of dates for their speaking engagements.
Conservative lawmakers blasted Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts after he sided with the court's liberal wing in
The national Black Lives Matter group purchased a $6 million mansion in a Los Angeles neighborhood with donor cash in October 2020 and then maneuvered to keep the purchase a secret, according to a report Monday.
Something shady is going on and former Democratic National Committee chief Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz doesn't want to talk about it.

A quote by Barry M. Goldwater

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn probl...
DuckDuckGo is acting in a similar way to the tech giants who don’t trust their users to know disinformation when they see it, says Colin Pape.
The Trump administration is searching for an appropriate case in which to ask the Supreme Court to end nationwide injunctions.
"To tacitly condone destruction and anarchy is to abandon the basic rule-of-law principles," the attorney general says in prepared testimony slamming liberal mayors.