The comments came on the podcast "Cannon's Class" on YouTube. Cannon said he takes "full responsibility" for his comments and encourages open dialogue.
The hundreds of Washington, D.C. National Guard troops who are deployed throughout the city to protect civilians from potential protests after the trial
Syndicated Analytics latest report titled “LED Bulb Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Tre
Syndicated Analytics’s new report titled “LED Chip Manufacturing Plant Project Report 2024: Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Outlook), Detailed Process Flow (Product Overview, Unit Operations, Raw Materials, Quality Assurance), Requirements and Cost (Machinery, Raw Materials, Packaging, Transportation, Utility, Human Resource), Project Economics (Capital Investments, Operating Costs, Profit Projections, Financial Analysis, Revenue), and Investment Opportunities” offers a comprehensive overview of the process involved in establishing a manufacturing facility for LED chip. It methodically examines various aspects, including manufacturing requirements, project costs and economics, success and risk factors, returns on investment, and profit margins.
NEW YORK - After President Trump tweeted a controversial GIF of him wrestling a CNN logo on July 2, the news network had a decision to make.  Would they a...
Bringing up gun control is one of the easiest ways to get emotional reaction out of an American voter, but only one sides arguments ever stand up against the...
The league survived all sorts of crises in the past, yet they are in deep trouble like never before.
DEL RIO, Texas -- A law enforcement source reported the illegal entry of more than 200 Venezuelans south of town early Wednesday morning.
A French astronaut tweeted a very nice picture with a very charming sentiment.
Syndicated Analytics’ latest report, titled “Tyre Manufacturing Plant Project Report 2024: Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Ou…
The Obama-Hillary Clinton foreign policy is that it facilitated Russian aggression.
Denying bond to those who try to enter illegally but then claim asylum is reasonable deterrence, not cruelty.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Friday she is receiving chemotherapy for a recurrence of cancer, but has no plans to retire from the Supreme Court. The 87-year-old...
A fed up Georgia mother recently took her local school board to task and demanded it end mask mandates for children. "Every month, I come here and I hear the same
"Nordic Track is apparently just code for Aryan Track. Who knew?"
The Mueller report is a window into the manner of administration that characterizes the Trump era.
At least 18 Chicago PD officers were injured when a mob of 1,000 extremists tried to tear down the city's Christopher Columbus statue.
Nicole Silverio  The New Hampshire GOP called out Vice President Kamala Harris’ planned visit to the “wrong…
Just when you thought that Florida man has done it all. Nope. A man that worked at the Navy SEAL Museum was arrested for attempting to steal a vest worn
Prediction: The Democrat base will lean towards Bernie Sanders for president and the DNC will push the nomination to Joe Biden... Hillary vs. Bernie 2.0
Many conservatives are concerned about polling results regarding conservative issues, especially about President Trump. For example, the latest CNN poll found that 51% of voters believe the president should be impeached.
Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., contends Democrats have a stake in digging for more details about the FBI breaking its own rules to probe elected officials, political candidates, religious organizations and the news media
Last week, self-described queer non-binary “fat sex therapist” Sonalee Rashatwar delivered a two-hour lecture entitled Race as a Body Image Issue at the St. Olaf College Health and Wellness Center in Minnesota. The event was a master class in social justice, at times putting shame to the parodies of the genre that now traffic on social media. In the video, the visibly obese woman asks: “Is it my fatness that causes my high blood pressure—or is it my experience of weight stigma?” In the presentation, which has gone viral, Rashatwar also compared “fatphobia” not only to eugenics (which is itself absurd) but also to “Nazi science,” and declared that “a child cannot consent to being on a diet the same way a child cannot consent to having sex.” Indeed, the very titles of her recurring presentations—including Health is a Social Construct, Decolonizing Sex Positivity, Gender Isn’t Real and Neither Is Health and How Fat Queers the Body—seem like something you’d find on the Twitter feed of satirists such as Titania McGrath or Madeline Seers. Yet …
We have previously discussed how President Donald Trump has repeatedly asserted constitutional authority that he does not have in dealing with the pandemic or more recently in dealing with protests…