A former "teacher of the year" pleaded guilty to reduced charges after he was accused of repeatedly kissing a 14-year-old girl. 
Who wants to take your hard work and redistribute it in the form of millions spent on spreading gender studies ideology in Pakistan? Who wants to indoctrinate your children with critical race theory and divide our culture further?
The growing application of high-pressure laminates for making cabinets, ready-to-assemble floorings, doors, windows, etc., is primarily driving the global high-pressure laminate market.
Trump’s joke about being “president for life” makes light of centuries of oppression.
The coming weeks and months may see irregular warfare prosecuted with newfound vigor through such familiar unconventional warmaking methods. It’s doubtful Tehran would launch into conventional operations, stepping onto ground it knows America dominates. To launch full-scale military reprisals would justify full-scale U.S. military reprisals that, in all likelihood, would outstrip Iran’s in firepower and ferocity

Opinion | Alito Defends the Courts

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The Justice calls out progressive attacks on judicial independence.

The American media's racism fantasy

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

Stories about slurs are too good to check
So the likely Republican nominee for President is going to trial for a class action lawsuit.
Navigating the hysteria.
As Democrats defect, the Republican Senate leader vows "no haggling" over President Trump's trial.
According to a new study from Lehigh Business, the differences between conservative and liberal responses to COVID-19 are mitigated when people perceive the virus itself to have agency -- the ability to control its own actions and thus exert power over people. Conservatives are generally more sensitive to threats that are relatively high in agency, say researchers with Lehigh University's College of Business and KU Leuven, Belgium.
Do politicians still take money from Big Tobacco in 2021? Yes, and that includes one politician from Massachusetts. U.S. Representative Richard Neal (D-Springfield) has taken the tobacco industry’s money for years — and continues to do so. Neal is the chairman of the powerful U.S. House Ways and Means Committee. It “has jurisdiction over all...
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on this week's broadcast of "Fox News Sunday" that he is confident the American people would accept his proposal for a 15-week federal abortion ban with minimal exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. | Clips
Since the start of 2016, smartphone privacy has been a heavily debated issue in America. With Apple at the forefront of those pushing for more tech privacy, it is no surprise that the company once again finds its iPhones making headline news.
"While I don’t have a precise idea of what should be done with this data set, I leave it here with the hope that researchers, journalists, and activists will find it useful."
Looks like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn't want to partake in the Democrat party's "redistribution of wealth." On Friday, House Democrats rebuked the freshman representative after it was found out that Ocasio-Cortez would not be paying any dues to the Democrats' House campaign organization
Attorneys representing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on behalf of Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar are very irritated the Trump campaign is asking legal questions about how the 2020 presidential election
You aren't the first one to be balked at by 'experts.' But this is America, dammit! And if Columbus hadn't bucked the experts, we wouldn't be here today.
The widespread product adoption as a rejuvenating and recreational drink, owing to the increasing hectic schedules of individuals, is primarily driving the alcoholic beverage market. Additionally, the rising number of wineries and the emerging trend of socializing at the weekend parties, particularly among the millennial population, are further catalyzing the market growth.
House Republicans on Friday announced hearings to investigate whether IRS Commissioner John Koskinen misled Congress and violated a subpoena, taking the first steps that could ultimately lead to his impeachment over the tax agency’s tea party targeting.
Roger Scruton and Hamza Yusuf meet in the library of Zaytuna College to have a wide-ranging discussion on the true meaning of conservatism. Roger Scruton is ...
Just as soon as the House concluded votes on Friday and most lawmakers rushed to the airport, garage or Union Station, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) signaled that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) should be ready in the coming days to summon to the floor the measure to appoint impeachment managers and send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.
On Monday night, during the handoff from CNN anchor Anderson Cooper to his own show “Cuomo Prime Time,” CNN anchor Chris Cuomo appeared to inadvertently
Echoing revisionist historians, Kamala Harris bashed European explorers who discovered the Americas during a Tuesday speech.
The escalating consumer environmental concerns regarding the rising levels of pollution owing to the widespread utilization of fuel-based vehicles are among the primary factors driving the global electric scooter market.