Joe Biden signed the Coronavirus Hate Crimes Act Thursday, criticizing Americans for being racist or complicit in racism.
In an April 8, 2016, email exchange obtained by Fox News Digital, Hunter Biden ripped former President Bill Clinton as an ‘a--hole’ who ‘looks like s---’ after Clinton blamed Hunter's father for tougher sentencing provisions in the 1994 crime bill.
A student asked conservative commentator Ben Shapiro a question about abortion at his Berkeley speech Thursday night, prompting Shapiro to engage in rapid-fire dialogue with the student. "Any time
Biden and Bernie may be wheezing, but the old white boys are out in front of the pack. In 2018, a record turnout of women, minorities and young added 40 House seats to Democratic ranks and made Nan…
VANCOUVER, Wash. – A 24-year-old right-wing activist known for brawling in the streets of Portland and Seattle during political protests had a warrant issued for his arrest last Friday for violating the conditions of his probation. Tusitala "Tiny" Toese of Vancouver, Wash. , was on a supervised probation for a fourth-degree assault charge out of Multnomah County, Oregon, and has been associated with the far-right Proud Boys group known for engaging in political violence.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday vowed to take action against left-wing efforts to advance critical race theory.
The U.S. economy unexpectedly tanking in the first quarter of the year has created a nightmare scenario for President Joe Biden ahead of the midterms elections.
Obama: 'Embarassing' 'Political Gamesmanship' Senate Hasn't Voted on AG
A federal appeals court in New Orleans upheld the constitutionality of the all-male military draft system Thursday, citing a 1981 U.S. Supreme Court decision. In a decision that overturned a 2019 r…
Last week a member of the Oath Keepers called The Gateway Pundit to tell us his story of the January 6th protests and riot. He is living in fear since the Jan. 6 protests at the US Capitol and wanted to get his story out. The Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
There is an old fable of a scorpion who wants to cross a river and convinced a hesitant frog to carry him on its back. After all, if he stung the frog in the river, they both would die. That seemed…
Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Wednesday rejected the allegation in a new book that she watered down Iran sanctions to please a corporation that paid Bill Clinton a fortune in speaking fees.
Is 'the committee to save the world' about to 'unsave the world'? Not according to The Fed who see their balance sheet unwind as boring a "watching paint dry." More than a few market participants believe otherwise, including BofA who recently warned..."the paint may be drying but the wall is about to crumble."
President Trump doesn’t hate strong women. To the contrary, he welcomes them and their valuable insight and input.
President Trump said Friday the news that former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith will plead guilty to making a false statement is "just the beginning" of the fallout from U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the Russia investigation.
Democrat President Joe Biden's team shut down an investigation launched by then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's State Department into whether the
The Bible tells us to be on our guard against people who preach a different gospel. Let them be accursed, Paul says. Wow, that's pretty savage, Paul! Here are twelve dangerous cults to watch out for:1. CrossFit - One of the most popular fitness cults in the world. Don't drink the low-calorie, high-protein Kool-Aid!2. Essential oils - These dangero ...
Our daughter, Bailey, had complete paralysis from the waist down for 11 days with no explanation as to why. This video is of one of her favorite nurses comin...
Corey Lewandowski says Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) "lied" to the people of Arizona when he campaigned on repealing and replacing ObamaCare in his bid for reelection.
Rather than answer voters’ concerns, managerial elites mock them, while escaping the consequences of their own disastrous policies.
Some media organizations, partisan talking heads, and Democrats used the death of President Donald Trump’s brother, Robert Trump, to attack the president on Saturday night. “It is with heavy heart I share that my wonderful brother, Robert, peacefully passed away tonight,” Trump said in a statement. “He was not just my brother, he was my […]
Kaylee Greenlee  Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas defended the Biden administration’s handling of the increased number…
There have been war correspondents since Herodotus chronicled the Persian War (499–449 B.C.). Here are updates from our current culture war.
Check out this news coverage from the Alabama House vote on the Convention of States application.
On Monday, after he had been celebrated by football fans and non-football fans alike for standing for the national anthem on Sunday, apart from his teammates who remained in the locker room during the playing of the national anthem to protest remarks of President Trump, Pittsburgh Steelers offens