Presidential hopefuls such as Kirsten Gillibrand are desperately pandering to the radical Left for votes, including endorsing extreme policies on abortion.
Democrats have pushed a conspiracy theory that the Postal Service is implementing cost-cutting service changes in order to bolster Trump’s reelection prospects.
Reporters turned an ambiguous story into “moral clarity.”
It is past time to ask Biden and his aides the questions they can’t answer and bristle at being asked. That would demonstrate who the real extremists are.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has enjoyed a notable bounce in support since formally entering the 2016 White House race on April 13, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.
CNN has exposed itself as a left-wing propaganda network since the election of President Trump, as evidenced by one of their reporters threatening to doxx the creator of a gif and
With rules that make it difficult for lawmakers to steer taxpayer dollars into home state projects -...
Veteran Fox News anchor Chris Wallace praised former first lady Michelle Obama's virtual speech at the Democratic National Convention late Monday, with the "Fox News Sunday" host stating that she "really flayed, sliced and diced" President Tr
More than 200 House Republicans are putting pressure on their Democrat counterparts to get down to the COVID-19 origins and hold the Chinese regime accountable for the pandemic coverup. “We request that you instruct the appropriate Democrat committee chairs to immediately join Republican calls to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for its role in causing the global […]
The reluctance to criticize egregious misbehavior such as this week’s Supreme Court leak is awful politics and even worse civics.
President Obama has steadfastly refused to accept the notion he’s a lame duck — despite last year’s repudiation at the polls, which gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress. Well, part o...
Hey progressives, don't think you can say a kind word about George W. Bush just because you're trying to make Trump look bad in comparison.
Apple CEO Tim Cook is set be honored by educational organization GLSEN later this year. Cook will receive the Champion Award for his involvement in fighting for LGBTQ rights and equality. GLSEN says that Cook will receive the award for “his ongoing commitment to fighting for LGBTQ rights and creating safe spaces for members of …
A slide has leaked from a Goodyear diversity training which brands “Blue Lives Matter,” “All Lives Matter” and “MAGA” attire “unacceptable,” while deeming Black Lives Matter and LGBT slogans to be “acceptable.” The leaked slide is of their “zero tolerance” policy towards support for police or conservative values. According to a report from WIBW, the…
Officials confirmed that a large American flag and multiple smaller flags were stolen from a Southern California veterans cemetery over Memorial Day weekend. 
A grand jury in Dallas County, Texas, indicted three police officers for allegedly assaulting protesters during a George Floyd protest.

Hawaii Dem takes on Obama

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Iraq veteran is one of the youngest members of Congress.
Republican Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) held a presser today to discuss the Senate Intelligence Committee’s ongoing Russian Collusion investigation. Republican Senator Burr said there is no evidence of Russian collusion into the 2016 US presidential election. This comes after thousands of hours of testimony and investigations. But Burr said the the committee will keep the …
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The Trump administration on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to reverse a lower court ruling that found President Trump violated the First Amendment by blocking his critics on Twitter.

Racist Joe strikes again…

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

  Another example of Joe’s low expectations for people of color            
HBO’s Bill Maher admitted on "Real Time" that he learned a few things about abortion laws that surprised him after the news of the Supreme Court’s intention to overturn Roe v. Wade broke last week. “I learned things this week, because this put it on the front page, that are pretty basic things t...
Sanders introduced legislation that would eliminate undergraduate tuition at public colleges and expand work-study programs to help students at private universities.
The outflow of upper class residents means fewer taxes collected to fund the government.
An insider at Publicis Groupe, one of the world's biggest advertising and PR companies, exclusively shared screenshots from a "diversity" training day in which employees received instructions by proponents of radical politics of race, which included the corporate wokeness indoctrination such as the idea that the slogan "Make America Great Again" is a form of "covert white supremacy."