Graham: The Trump Administration 'Has a Blind Spot' on Russia
A man has been charged with attempted murder and a hate crime after allegedly stabbing another man while yelling “Black lives matter” in Aurora on Tuesday.
Thomas Catenacci  The Biden administration asked Congress to allow the Department of Defense (DoD) to fund foreign critical mineral facilities in the
The anti-discrimination law known as Title IX is meant to protect students from gender-based discrimination, but it has been used over the years to perpetuate it. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance, states the law's preamble. Originally passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title IX was mostly used to increase opportunities for women to participate in sports. It quickly became used as a tool not for gender equity but for gender parity. This has been done through bureaucratic clarifications issued by the Department of Education — which are not subject to congressional approval, even though they impose new requirements for federally funded higher learning institutions.
The American Civil Liberties Union told the Supreme Court on Monday the First Amendment doesn’t give a Christian baker the right to discriminate against a same-sex couple by refusing to bake them a wedding cake.
NEW YORK (AP) — A federal grand jury in New York is investigating top Republican fundraiser Elliott Broidy, examining whether he used his position as vice chair of President Donald Trump's...
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said he was attacked by a "crazed mob" of more than 100 people after leaving the White House following President Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican Convention.
Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel argued on Friday that the Biden administration needs to push China further on the coronavirus origins, and mentioned the U.S. may be headed for a “showdown” with the country.
On Tuesday, trial in United States v. Sussmann began. Michael Sussmann’s theory of defense has major factual holes.
Justices agreed with the Obama administration that government subsidies should be available to all.
One takeaway from the latest Russia Dossier revelations: The Clintons, as always, have left their supporters holding the bag ...
The friend got the better end of the deal on this one.
Portland rioters may be beginning to reveal a weakness in their resolve -- or maybe they just lacked a Snack Van.
Joe Biden says 'give me a break' after grilling on sanctions Sign up to receive our rundown of the day's top stories direct to your inboxWhen you subscribe we w
President Barack Obama signed a bill giving him "fast-track" powers to conduct and conclude trade legislation. The bill was approved by Congress last week after months of contentious debate and several difficult votes.
Rod Thomson There is not a worse enemy of rightly understanding climate change, the causes, the threat and the cost-benefit of remediations than virtually every single media member that covers climate change. They are part of the ongoing saga of
Democratic Governor of California Gavin Newsom discussed the rollout of an upcoming "vaccine verification" system as the state moves to change its COVID-19 restrictions guidance this week. 
A pro-LGBT organization is slated to host a conference for kids ages 12 to 18 at the Naples United Church of Christ in Florida on Saturday."GLSEN Collier is hosting the inaugural Youth Pride Conference in Naples, FL for all local LGBTQ youth ages 12-18," a post about the event states. "This one-day ...
President Obama is expected to free dozens of nonviolent federal drug convicts, but he will barely dent prison populations that many Democrats and Republicans agree are swollen by excessive sentences.
Aid to the Church in Need accuses the international community of failing to take the situation seriously enough
Friday, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh addressed the fight to put a question about citizenship on the 2020 Census. Limbaugh first questioned on | Clips
‘The violence will continue unless you vote for Biden’ sounds like a threat. Voters don’t always respond well to threats.
America's Frontline Doctors issued the following press release today: LOS ANGELES, CA – America’s Frontline Doctors released the following statement today