Do you run a government agency but hate complying with the law? Then you need DC Matic, the Hillary Clinton-approved email server! Here's how it works: First...
As chairman of the Senate Space, Science, and Competitiveness Subcommittee, Texas Republican Ted Cruz is on a mission -- to get NASA back on course regarding it's original focus, space, and less on what many view as pseudo-science: global warming research.
'They started as a couple of just two. Now they're a family of five...'

Early Onset Clinton Fatigue

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The e-mail crisis brings back memories of the sleazy underside of the Clinton years.
By Nick Carey and Jim Young FERGUSON, Mo. (Reuters) - Nearly 48 hours after two officers were shot in racially charged Ferguson, Missouri, investigators had dozens of leads but no arrests to report on Friday in the hunt for a gunman who turned a late-night protest against police into bedlam. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said authorities had "a pretty good idea" where the gunshots that wounded the officers had originated, without providing any specifics. The latest bout of violence in the St. Louis suburb, first rattled by the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a white officer last summer, brought out signs of sympathy for the police. One protester stood opposite the Ferguson police department with a sign "Cops Lives Matter," playing on the "Black Lives Matter" slogan that sprang up in the wake of the deaths of Brown and an unarmed black man in New York City.
When asked about new firearms legislation at an event in Saskatoon, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said there are too many restrictions on gun ownership, which he added is important for the livelihoods of rural people, recreation and personal safety.
The President and First Lady both made round-trips from D.C. to California on the same day. but they took different planes.
John C. Muhammad said that the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson was "a complete setup" carried out by the police
After instituting 50 years of policies hostile to the traditional family, the left is now amazed at the outcome.
Two senior U.S. Secret Service agents returning from a party drove a government car through police tape and barricades into an area where their colleagues were investigating a suspicious package, the Washington Post reported on Thursday. The White House and the Secret Service have not commented directly on the incident, which is under investigation by an internal watchdog at the Department of Homeland Security. President Barack Obama was "disappointed to hear the allegations" earlier this week, White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters. The Washington Post said the agents - one a top member of Obama's protective detail and the other a senior supervisor in the Washington field office - drove to the White House just before 11 p.m. on March 4 after a party at a bar.
Although more Americans have health insurance coverage, 25 percent of non-elderly Amer
"Tehran Tom's" actions aren't exactly "unprecedented"
By Rob Nikolewski │ Watchdog.org The coal ash spill into the Dan River in North Carolina last year was disastrous. No

Dems push ATF to revive bullet ban

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The agency should move with "existing authority" to bar armor-piercing bullets, thet say.
'What I'm here to tell you is that on campus we have additional rules other than just freedom of speech,' said the cop.
MANCHESTER, N.H. --- We sat down this morning with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is making his first New Hampshire campaign swing as a likely presidential candidate this weekend along with Jeb Bush. Naturally we asked him how he can compete against Bush, who appears to be raising immense sums of money, and about Marco Rubio's suggestion that, as a senator and foreign relations and intelligence committee member, Rubio has a key advantage over current or previous governors on foreign policy.
Photos introduced at a terrorism trial in Manhattan federal court provide a a rare look inside the Afghanistan mountain hideout where Usama bin Laden lived prior to the 9/11 attacks.

GOP wary of new immigration battle

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Sen. Chuck Grassley wants to bar tax credits for illegal immigrants.
New details about how she identified public records in her possession reveal her press conference at the U.N. to be wildly misleading.
The president’s senior adviser and confidante on immigration, working with Republicans and whether she’s the Democratic Dick Cheney.
The two coalition parties in power in the Netherlands are destined for crushing defeats in elections on March 18 that will determine the makeup of the new Senate. Polls show the opposition anti-Islam...
JNS.org – The official Facebook page of the Palestinian Fatah political party—which is led by Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas—on March 10 celebrated the anniversary of a terrorist attack that killed 37 Israelis, Palestinian Media Watch reported. In the Coastal Road massacre of 1978, Fatah terrorists from Lebanon hijacked an Israeli bus. When confronted by Israeli soldiers, the terrorists murdered 37 passengers, including 12 children. Seventy additional passengers were wounded. On Tuesday, Fatah’s Facebook page both glorified and exaggerated that attack, more than doubling the actual [...]
Tom Cotton (R-AR) is the junior senator from Arkansas. In fact, Cotton has only been in the Senate for two months. He spent one term in the House of Representatives before making the leap to the...
With no debate, the House passed a bill that would make sweeping changes to state gun laws.
ABC's Karl: Does State Dept 450-Day FOIA Avg Meet Obama Transparency Standard?