
What's the Right Minimum Wage?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

What's the perfect minimum wage: is it $10 an hour? $15? $20? How about zero? That's right. Zero. While Congress discusses a minimum wage hike, economist Dav...
Former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin shared two images on her Facebook page on Wednesday mocking Hillary Clinton’s personal email “convenience” excuse.
A Chappaqua resident annoyed by the Hillary Clinton e-mail story took a very public stand.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

HILLARY! UNCENSORED trailer was released in Oct 2007 with a leak from Lucianne Goldberg. The trailer instantly became the #1 video on Google for 3 months unt...
“Best day Ferguson has had in years”.
In which our host explores the art of illusion and the Vegas-style magical thinking of the progressive left.
So many emails to read, so little time. It turns out Hillary Clinton's lawyers deleted a lot of email without actually reading it. That, of course, raises new questions about whether she really handed over all work-related email to the State Department.
That'll show 'em...
The headline is just as delicious as the rest of this cover.
It’s not every day you see a hard drive with a for sale sign sitting in a pile of dirty snow, but it’s not every day that your neighbor is a former secretary of state and engulfed in a massive email controversy. And one of Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua neighbors is letting everyone know how much …
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, left-wing Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal wildly accused fellow guest Jeff Roorda of the St. Louis Police Officer Association of being a racist. Chapelle-Nadal asserted that she, as well as the far-left protesters she supports, were "trying to...ensure that racism does not continue by people like you." Roorda replied, "Are you calling me a racist, Senator?" The Democratic politician replied, "Yes, absolutely!"
(Glenn Beck) - For a long time, Glenn has been warning people about Grover Norquist, a well-known progressive in the Republican party. Frank Gaffney, founder of the Center for Security Policy, joined Glenn on radio today and explained why he believes Norquist has been part of an “influence operation” on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood that has ...
Critics are wondering how much U.S. taxpayers should be subsidizing ex-presidents who are personally wealthy and continue to make heaps of cash for years after leaving office.
Some of Hollywood’s top players are gearing up to back Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) if Hillary Clinton declines to run for president. According to a Hollywood Reporter report, “MoveOn.org has been organizing ‘Run Warren Run’ gatherings on L.A.’s Westside. Among
In which our host explores the art of illusion and the Vegas-style magical thinking of the progressive left.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal agents in a sweep targeting the most dangerous criminal immigrants arrested 15 people who have been allowed to remain in the U.S. under President Barack Obama's executive action intended to protect children who came to the U.S. years ago with their parents, The Associated Press has learned.
If we don’t mobilize to remove politicians who are actively or passively eliminating our form of government, the republic our founders gave us is lost.
New internet regulations finally released by the Federal Communications Commission make 46 references to a group funded by billionaire George Soros and co-founded by a neo-Marxist. The FCC released
Fox News chief Washington correspondent James Rosen has once again teamed up with a team of hackers to dig deeper into Hillary Clinton's use of private emails, this time demonstrating that there were
Daniel Sparks announces Congressional Bid Daniel Sparks has announced that he will seek Mississippi’s First Congressional District seat. Sparks is a native of Tishomingo County and currently divides his time between his hometown of Belmont, Mississippi and Oxford, Mississippi. He is a practicing attorney and businessman. Sparks is a graduate of Belmont High School and the University of Mississippi School of Law, Daniel also holds accounting and economics degrees and a masters of taxation. “I believe our district deserves an active and passionate voice in Washington that represents our values. I will be indebted to the farmer, the teacher, and…

Settled Science Scam

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

National Geographic's latest cover story generated lots of attention for comparing climate change skeptics to those who fear vaccinations, disbelieve NASA’s moon landing, and oppose water fluoridation. The author bemoans the fact that only 40% of Americans (according to Pew Research Center) “accept that human activity is the dominant cause [...]
"Do not taunt the Logan Act."
Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) president Grover Norquist has written a letter to several members of the NRA’s board of directors fervently denying allegations of his ties to Muslim Brotherhood leaders as “conspiracies.”
HAMDEN -- In a time when TV news personalities are getting caught in their own scandals, it appears viewers trust their local stations more than the big networks. The Quinnipiac University Poll sur...