The Economic Growth and Family Fairness Tax Plan, better known as the Rubio-Lee Plan, is the best tax reform proposal the US Congress has seen in years.
The Washington Post recently published an editorial attempting to discredit a recent speech I made on the U.S. Senate floor. I wanted to respond to the paper and set the record straight about why I
Hillary Clinton claimed the other day that she kept her email on one phone as Secretary of State out of convenience. Jon Stewart isn't buying it and rips into the claim. Watch:     Even H...
By cropping President Bush out of their Selma picture, the New York Times reminds us of the significant role Republicans played in the Civil Rights Movement.
The senator was outraged. Congress had challenged the foreign policy of the president, ignoring that he is “the sole person to whom our Constitution gives the responsibility for conducting foreign relations.” It was “an unconstitutional encroachment on the presidential prerogatives and power,” he fumed. The words may sound like...
Cuba has lashed out at the U.S. for sanctioning Venezuela, repaying President Obama for coddling the Castro regime. Yes, it shows Obama's naivete. But it also puts pressure on Castro.
By Paul Driessen | Watchdog Opinion Sen. Edward Markey (D-MA), other senators and Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) rec
Ten scandals involving Hillary Clinton, not counting her email controversy.
 Fox New's Megyn Kelly had a one-word response to professors at the University of California, Irvine, who want the United States flag banned because it contributes to racism. Actually, Kelly didn't even need an actual word to express her feelings about the professors, who have expressed their support for a student organization that voted to ban all national flags -- including the U.
Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley says if he were president, it would be important as commander in chief to have his secretary of state use the official server for business. “Well sure, it would be important to me,” he said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” when asked about Hillary Clinton’s email practices...
Hillary Clinton says that she is the most transparent woman in American politics. There's just one problem - Hillary Clinton lies... a lot. Ben Shapiro takes...
Three players noticed the girl being teased and immediately walked off of the court -- during the game -- to tell the bullies to stop.
“But who would pass a crazy act like the ‘Affordable Plumbing Act’?!” exclaims the exasperated Obama...
Democrats and the mainstream media have used the words "traitor" and "treason" to describe a letter to Iranian leaders, drafted by freshman Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and signed by 47 Republican Senators, that warns any nuclear deal President Barack Obama signs may be voided by a future administration or Congress if it is not ratified by the Senate. Since they have brought the "t-words" into the debate, it is worth examining the case against Obama himself, which is far more damning.
We've seen unprecedented success all across the country this year. Check out the details in today's Article V Update!
#TheRefinery crew talk about how we market the Conservative brand and how we can learn from the Girl Scouts when it comes to selling freedom, liberty, and ch...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES I recently finished reading Sean Trende’s excellent book The Lost Majority, which is a must-read for anyone attempting to intelligently discuss its subject: how winning political coalitions are built, maintained and undone in the modern American two-party system. Trende covers a range of topics. At the level of political science theory, he dismantles the theory of periodic realigning elections. | Read More »

When Liberals Blew It

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Fifty years ago, Daniel Patrick Moynihan argued presciently that the rise of single-parent households would make poverty more intractable. Have we learned anything since?
Your home may no longer be your castle. A DC Superior Court judge issued a temporary injunction prohibiting Edwin Gray, his family and his guests from smoking inside his Northeast DC home. This includes cigars, cigarettes as well as marihuana, all of which are currently legal in the District. Now when Gray wants to smoke a cigarette, he has to step outside.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Monday signed into law a measure that prohibits requiring a worker to pay union dues, striking another blow against organized labor four years after the state effectively ended collective bargaining for public-sector employees. Walker, a likely presidential...

Obamacare's Tangled Web

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Supreme Court should strike down the IRS regulation allowing subsidies for health care policies purchased through the federal exchange.

When Liberals Blew It

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Fifty years ago, Daniel Patrick Moynihan argued presciently that the rise of single-parent households would make poverty more intractable. Have we learned anything since?
The media are very upset about GOP Senators' open letter to Iran explaining U.S. law. That's fine, but they don't get to make up stories out of whole cloth.
The media have developed a predictable and equally annoying habit every presidential election cycle. We hear the Republicans are going to be crushed by pandering too much to conservatives. The Democrats are firmly moderate and need a push from the left so they don’t forget their “compassion.” So it was with Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter 35 years ago. So will it be in 2016, no matter who is nominated