
What does middle class mean? - AEI

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

AEI’s Political Report examines how Americans define “middle class," what economic challenges this class faces, and who...best helps the middle class.
Professional idiot and erstwhile Senator Babs Boxer went on the Ed Show to tell everyone they can trust Hillary because she went to a State Department meeting once, and no one was emailing anyway. ...
If Republicans want to know how to respond to Obama's barbs and attacks, they should pay attention to what Scott Walker said after Obama smacked him for signing a right-to-work bill into law.
The Congressional Budget Office has determined that the government has no idea what the size or cost of the federal government's contracted workforce is. The analysis also determined that the gover
On Monday, 47 Republican senators led by Tom Cotton, R-Ark., released an open letter to Iran's leaders noting that any deal the regime signs with President Obama without the approval of Congress could be revoked by a future president or changed by Congress. The White House went into a tizzy trying to portray the move as somehow unprecedented — a view that has found a friendly audience with the media. Vice President Joe Biden claimed the letter ignores two centuries of precedent and threatens to undermine the ability of any future American president, whether democrat or republican, to negotiate with other nations on behalf of the United States. The New York Daily News featured an editorial blasting the letter on its front page, with photos of the senators and the bold-faced headline TRAITORS. A more muted NBC roundup called the move extraordinary — if not unprecedented. In reality, whatever one's view of the letter, to call it unprecedented is to ignore history. The reality is that on many occasions, Democrats have reached out to foreign leaders to undermine the foreign policy of a sitting Republican president.
MSNBC's Schultz's Defense of Hillary: She's Too Old to Have Two E-mails, Phones -
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(AP) -- Gov. Chris Christie is touting the budgetary benefits of Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Associated Press on Wednesday sued the State Department to force the release of email correspondence and government documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's tenure as secretary of state. The legal…
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argued that Hillary Clinton thinks "some of these laws apply to some lower people, but not to me, I'm Hillary Clinton"
What do your colleagues think?


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Best selling author and columnist Martk Steyn told Sean Hannity on Fox Tuesday night that "Queen Hillary" was telling the public they can, "...eat spin and not even very good spin at that." Steyn and Hannity compared notes on the more than 100-150 emails a day most people receive rather than the small number Hillary released to the State Department. "So she, she -- rather than any government guidelines -- has been the arbiter of what emails she's willing to let into the public record," said Steyn. 
#TheRefinery crew discusses further developments in the Hillary Clinton Scandal Saga and talk about how Conservatives should message the issue. Why the Clint...
A majority in both the Senate and House — 52 senators, 238 House members — have joined to oppose the Obama administration's move to ban a popular type of ammo used in the top-selling AR-15 rifle and pistol because it pierces police body armor. A week after the House members, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, sent a letter of opposition to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley echoed that in his own letter signed by 51 others. RELATED:Millions made rapping on guns, Snoop Dogg urges investors to sell gun stocks In their letter, the senators said that the 5.56 M855 green tip cartridge was exempted in a 1986 law, along with other rifle ammo from bans on armor-piercing rounds. The reason: popular rifle ammo is not used in shootouts with police.

Why did you do that Karen!?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

One of my favorite scenes from Goodfellas.
Maddow Suggests Fox News Employees Send Each Other Racist Emails
Last week's drama in the House of Representatives , when Speaker John A. Boehner needed Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi to rescue him from his own rebellious party, looked like a messy disaster for Republicans . But it could have been worse.
Hillary Clinton’s press performance Tuesday afternoon was, truly, everything Americans could have hoped for from our former First Lady, Modern Joan of Arc, Lady Macbeth, Senate carpetbagger and eternal public Woman Scorned.
The battle over insurance subsidies.
The concerned parents on Morning Joe found something to be outraged about over the video of SAE frat members engaged in a racist chant: namely the rapper Wak...
In The Wall Street Journal, Jason L. Riley writes that Ferguson, Mo., in 2015 is not Alabama in 1965. But liberals have reasons to pretend otherwise.
After risking their lives in the hopes of making it into the United States, migrants from Central American are demanding safer ways to cross the border. Thousands of immigrants jump on a freight t...
Researching the link between gun prevalence and crime is inherently tricky. When society itself is your laboratory, it's almost impossible to properly account for confounding variables that might...
Planet Fitness is about to see a huge upswing in membership signups for a most unexpected reason, and ironically that reason may also shortly render the popular health club a male only facility. But for now, ... Read More »