BY PHILIP KLEIN, Washington ExaminerOn Monday, 47 Republican senators led by Tom Cotton, R-Ark., released an "open letter" to Iran's leaders noting that any deal the regime signs with President
The Associated Press filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the State Department to force the release of email correspondence and government documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's tenure as secretary of state. The legal action comes after repeated requests filed under the U.S. Freedom of...
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officers at the El Paso port of entry arrested 27-year-old Claudia Elizabeth Hernandez Rodriguez of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico after a failed attempt at smuggling cocaine across the border.
CBS: Clinton's Press Conference 'Raises Uncomfortable Questions' Even For Democrats (March 11, 2015)
And he didn’t comply with tax and campaign filing requirements.
Utah has passed a bill that would make it the only state to allow firing squads for carrying out a death penalty if there is a shortage of execution drugs. 


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In the press conference today Hillary admitted that she deleted emails, but made it appear as if they were all personal correspondences. Watch below: This basically comes down to Hillary saying, tr...
Never before in human history has a group of people been given the astounding opportunities Millennials experience today.
East Jerusalemite Muhammad Musallam appears to be shot to death by teen boy; 2nd jihadist vows to ‘liberate Jerusalem from you filth’
A Midland County woman's gym membership was canceled after she refused to stop telling fellow gym members "a man" was using the woman's locker room. http://w...
Using Twitter, email and telephone, Breitbart News made nearly a dozen good faith attempts Tuesday morning to obtain an explanation from the New York Daily News on its editorial guidelines when it comes to questioning the patriotism of others. Other
Attorney General Eric Holder used secretive email accounts under at least three aliases during his tenure at the Justice Department.
Iranian leaders need to know that the Senate must approve any deal President Obama negotiates, writes Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
House Speaker John Boehner insists he's sticking with the Republican party even though he's repeatedly turned to Democrats to pass bills conservatives oppose.
And he didn’t comply with tax and campaign filing requirements.
Charlie Hebdo has been named 2015 International Islamophobe of the year, despite many of its staff having been killed by Jihadists in January. The annual ‘award’ was given by Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), a British group that claims to
When future generations look back on the global-warming scare nothing will shock them more than the extent to which temperature records – were “adjusted.”
Surprised? So were the researchers who tested and compared workers in 23 countries.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: It's a total dodge and given the structure of the press conference she was able to succeed in dodging. One of the problems I have to say is reporters ask two questions or three. That is an invitation for anybody on the other side to escape the question. You ask one question and then you stop and then the person who is holding the press conference has to actually answer it. She slipped away from a couple that way. I think what is going to happen on her part is this. She has decided that stonewalling works. Obama has shown it works on a lot of stuff. A lot of their scandals have been stonewalled and they go away. Within a week or two what you are going to hear from the Clinton apologists is going to be it's old news. And that's going to be the story. Her calculation is, 'Yes, I will be damaged a bit with the press because of the stonewalling but infinitely less than I would be if anybody, an objective observer were to go through and look at the e-mails.' BRET BAIER, SPECIAL REPORT: Quickly, if you were a Clinton supporter, this is a stretch of a question, but if you were, do you see any silver lining in today? KRAUTHAMMER: No. But I think that if you stonewall well enough you can succeed. JUAN WILLIAMS: Let me just quickly say this. The silver lining is she said she made a mistake. She said that. She said that she should have used two separate e-mails. She said she should have used two phones? KRAUTHAMMER: You believe she means it? WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just telling you, In terms of silver lining which is the question from our anchor. BAIER: She said it would have been better had I simply used a separate account. I mean, that is as close as we got to contrition. WILLIAMS: Right. But I do think that is saying, listen, this is a mistake. STEVE HAYES: The one thing that comes out of the press conference is a guarantee that the story grows from here because she answered only one question and that question was the server will remain private which spawns dozens of other questions. KRAUTHAMMER: It is the ultimate in pseudo-contrition and I don't think anybody watching it could have any other idea. WILLIAMS: Even you as a Clinton supporter. But I'm saying others -- of the Democratic party, I noticed in the polls, including one today in the Wall Street Journal, it's just not gaining traction. KRAUTHAMMER: Well, perhaps they underestimate the capacity of her supporters for self-deception. WILLIAMS: Last word Charles Krauthammer.
The official newspaper of the University of California Irvine (UCI), New University, has confirmed reporting by Breitbart News last weekend that a vote by the Associated Students (ASUCI) to remove the American flag from the lobby of their building was to avoid
Back in 1986, the then-senator led the charge against Ronald Reagan’s treatment of South Africa
The one Republican ready to cut big money–sort of.
Tom Cotton is not impressed by Joe Biden's opinion on... Tom Cotton is not impressed by Joe Biden.
Under intense pressure from majorities in the House and Senate, the National Rifle Association's huge membership, the Obama administration has abruptly changed course and is rescinding its push to ban popular and cheap ammo used by AR-15 owners. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said 80,000 comments rolled in, many against the proposal to ban the 5.56 M855 green tip ammo. The NRA and the other groups still plan to flood ATF mailboxes with opposition letters just to make sure they go through with their withdrawal. RELATED: 52 senators warn of sweeping ammo bans, say Second Amendment 'at risk' They've gone away for now. We know they're coming back and we will be ready, Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, told Secrets. You spoke, we listened. @ATFHQ plans more study on the proposed AP Ammo exemption framework. See more http://t.co/SmRKMYvw7J— ATF HQ (@ATFHQ) March 10, 2015
ISIS killer Jihadi John and American journalist James Foley British ISIS supporters raised $27,000 to defend ISIS jihadist Jihadi John from harassment at the hands of the British government. The Examiner reported, via Religion of Peace: Few in the Western…