
WaPo Never Tires Of Embarrassing Itself
Submitted 6 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • wapo washington post cynthia nixon new york media fact check
The Washington Post just published "What does Cynthia Nixon’s run for governor mean for single women?" Not sure since Cynthia Nixon is MARRIED!


Angry Lesbian, Cynthia Nixon throws Her Hat Into The Ring
Submitted 6 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • hollywood ny governor cuomo nixon
Cynthia Nixon An Angry Lesbian, Anti-Semite, Hollywood actress, known for her role on Sex and the City, with the last name Nixon Running For #NY Gov. What could possibly go wrong?


CNN Always Equates Nixon To Trump But Never Nixon to Obama, Why?
Submitted 7 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • nixon obama trump cnn fake news watergate president obamagate media
Several times each day you'll hear some CNN host or contributor equating President Nixon's paranoia to one of the many President Trump tweets, but CNN ignores the more equatable Nixon To Obama Why?