List Of Members of Congress suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are boycotting President Trump's first "State of the Union" (SOTU) address.
Michael Moore was at the PSOTU Party fighting for "The People." After all a man with a net worth of over $50 Million Dollars feels the pain of people living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Latest Trump Conservative Political News from around the web, all on one page. Updated for Tuesday, January 30, 2018.
Out of dozens of attempts made on Trump's Border Wall Prototypes, one guy made it to the top but he couldn't get down so they had to bring him down with a cherry picker.
Part Three of Three Of BluePillSheep.com Look At the Hypocrisy of Hollywood Liberal Elites throwing their Hissy Fit "People's State Of The Union" Party
If the "Do as I say, not as I do" Ultra Rich Hollywood liberals truly believe President Trump has his finger on the button, why would they need to fund-raise to throw their PSOTU Party? Or charge $47 a person to get in?
Hollywood celebrities suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are coming to New York City to attend the "People's State of the Union" protest and scream at their sky king.
Congressman Trey Gowdy posed several questions to host Chris Wallace and it became clear watching the video, without saying Gowdy told you what exactly is in the FISA Memo.
DACA illegal immigrants drove their taco trucks over to Senator Chuck Schumer's house and made camp. promising "If Chuck won't let us Dream, we won't let him sleep!" For Republicans it's like having Christmass All Over Again
CNN Fake News Should listen to the old saying "Less 'Fake News' a day and more "Real News" help keep angry lunatics who want to shoot you, away.
Liberals were screaming mad as Democratic leaders suddenly pulled their panties right over their heads giving them an atomic-wedgie after they caved in on the Schumer Shutdown
Schumer's "do as I say not as I do" backstabbing Trump and the Republicans, means when the current CR ends, we can expect another government shut down.