Several times each day you'll hear some CNN host or contributor equating President Nixon's paranoia to one of the many President Trump tweets, but CNN ignores the more equatable Nixon To Obama Why?
A Small lock of George Washington's hair was found inside an envelope in a 1793 almanac during a Union College inventory review of old books
The feeling sweeping through liberal logic land was after the Smithsonian Unveiled their God Awful Michelle Obama Portrait this was one challenge that even the mighty 'King of Fake News' CNN may not have been able to spin their way out of.
Bipartisanship Has Broken Out in Washington due to the fact that The Democrats are realizing that their 'Impeach 45' was just a pipe dream, and in November 2016, Donald J. Trump was legitimately elected to be Americas 45th President
Latest Trump Conservative Political News from around the web, all on one page. Updated for Wednesday, January 31, 2018.
President Trump gave his first "State of the Union" Address. Did Trump's SOTU speech to the American People Rise To The occasion? Or Go Down In Flames?
CNN Fake News Should listen to the old saying "Less 'Fake News' a day and more "Real News" help keep angry lunatics who want to shoot you, away.
After the FBI informed Congress that they’re currently unable to find five-months worth of Strzok text messages Ari Fleischer brought down the Irony hammer hard upon the FBI's head.
Bono and U2 has released their new Music video for their song "Get Out of Your Own Way." The Music Video has President Trump seemingly supporting the KKK and is nothing more than an Anti-America, Anti-Capitalism protest message.