President Trump Response To the Syrian Chemical Attack" If it’s the Russians, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out, Everybody is going to pay a price.
In his latest gaffe asinine RINO John McCain Trashed President Trump for Congratulating Putin on Election Victory… Just Like Obama Did in 2012.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday that the Obama administration bore some responsibility for the Russian interference campaign in the 2016 election. Hey #NoSchiffSherlock it took you over a year to finally realize it?
After a year the mother of all Witch Hunts Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation was able to nabbed 13 Facebook Twitter Trolls? That's It? Really? WTH?
Did Adam Schiff Collude with Russia To End The Trump Presidency? Seems we are back to another "Someone needs to release classified information to find out the truth"
During a 2013 appearance on Russia Propaganda TV, Adam Schiff the hypocritical Democrat from California went on RT, advocating for more transparency of the NSA spying program, the FISA Court and "The American People's Right To Know" what the FBI was doing in their name.