Utah has passed a bill that would make it the only state to allow firing squads for carrying out a death penalty if there is a shortage of execution drugs. 
Rand Paul, the Kentucky senator and 2016 Republican presidential hopeful, is leading an effort to repeal a tax law prized by President Obama but despised by millions of Americas who live and work outside the United States.
The media are very upset about GOP Senators' open letter to Iran explaining U.S. law. That's fine, but they don't get to make up stories out of whole cloth.
CBS: Clinton's Press Conference 'Raises Uncomfortable Questions' Even For Democrats (March 11, 2015)
Hillary Clinton's awful email press conference. No party up in there.
MSNBC's Schultz's Defense of Hillary: She's Too Old to Have Two E-mails, Phones -
Best selling author and columnist Martk Steyn told Sean Hannity on Fox Tuesday night that "Queen Hillary" was telling the public they can, "...eat spin and not even very good spin at that." Steyn and Hannity compared notes on the more than 100-150 emails a day most people receive rather than the small number Hillary released to the State Department. "So she, she -- rather than any government guidelines -- has been the arbiter of what emails she's willing to let into the public record," said Steyn. 

Hillary Baggage

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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Hillary Clinton gave a press conference about how and why she built a private server for her government communications. It went poorly. This poorly.
The IHRC gave their international ‘Islamophobe of the Year’ award to the left-wing French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
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BY PHILIP KLEIN, Washington ExaminerOn Monday, 47 Republican senators led by Tom Cotton, R-Ark., released an "open letter" to Iran's leaders noting that any deal the regime signs with President
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The battle over insurance subsidies.
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The ATF did what right-wingers live in fear of. They noticed.
The president of a black pastors coalition is angry that Pres. Obama compared the civil rights movement to that for same-sex marriage at the 50th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday.
Graham: We Sent Iran Letter Once Obama Told Congress to Go to Hell