Chicago’s mayor allegedly blew up when he was asked why he closed clinics. Looks like ‘Rahmbo’ is back.
The United States has dropped 29 spots in the annual Reporters Without Borders press freedom ranking since 2009, when President Barack Obama took office.
The United States has fallen out of the top 10 countries in the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom published jointly by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal. The index, the 20th published by the two organizations, rates countries by 10 criteria. In the 2014 edition released Monday night, the U.S. fell two spots to 12th place, leapfrogged by both Ireland and Estonia. Hong Kong ranked first, as it has every year. America's score on the index has fallen for seven straight years, and the conservative Heritage Foundation now ranks the U.S. as only mostly free. The top countries on the index -- Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada -- all rank as free. The decline in America's ranking was driven by slipping scores in the categories of fiscal freedom, business freedom and property rights.
'Operation Choke Point' unfairly targets businesses it doesn't like.
Per FNC's Catherine Herridge... Fox Exclusive: Clinton Internal Cable Forbids Use Personal Accounts Fox News has exclusively obtained an internal 2011 Stat
SXSW, Austin's annual sticky-floored music industry sport coat and jeans cocaine marathon, wherein bands willingly exhaust themselves playing garbage sets for little or no money, deriving sustenance from tacos and the hope of "exposure," features a McDonald's showcase this year. And, no doy, they aren't paying.
POLK CITY, Fla. (AP) — The family that owns the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus won't say just what it was that made them finally decide to remove elephant acts from the "Greatest Show on Earth." The move…
Democrat Leader Elijah Cummings Could Face Up to Five Years in Prison for Illegal Attacks on True the Vote-- Last April House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released a report implicating Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in colluding with the…
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brothe sat on the board of a mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government,
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Lawyers for the parents of an unarmed, black 18-year-old who was fatally shot by a white police officer in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson have announced plans to file a civil lawsuit in their son's death.
New York City public schools will now observe two major Muslim holidays. Is this a sustainable approach to religion within the education system?
Six witnesses to the shooting of Michael Brown were afraid to give testimony that would undercut the "Hands up, don't shoot" narrative.
Iran's Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, sat down with NBC News this week for an exclusive interview. NBC's headline for the interview is: "Iran Foreign Minister: We Believe We Are 'Very Close' to Nuke Deal." But the Times of Israel noted a buried lede--"Zarif: The Netanyahu regime ‘should be annihilated'." While the American editors focused on boosting prospects for President Barack Obama's signature diplomatic initiative, their Israeli counterparts focused on the threat that remains.
There’s a winter storm afoot, and places like New York City are expected to get hit with several inches of snow Thursday. It’s hard to imagine that just 30 years ago, government scientists were
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES RINOS, (Traitors), whatever you would like to call them on the S 22 Sunday Cloture vote are listed below. There were a few brave souls that showed up to voice their opposition (12) with some good comments by Tom Coburn and Jim Demint and a couple of others. I should have been at church praying for the country instead | Read More »
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Give the framers of the Constitution a lot of credit for having an understanding of human nature that was surprisingly perceptive and ahead of its time. They understood well that, all other things being equal, men will more often act in their own perceived self interest than in the interest of others. They therefore understood that the key to | Read More »
WASHINGTON—Fueling further speculation this week that she has her sights set on the Oval Office, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is said to have hinted at her presidential ambitions by concealing a vast trove of information from the Americ...
Judge Andrew Napolitano tonight weighed in on the revelation that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conducted all government business on her personal email account.
NEW YORK (AP) — Mayor Bill de Blasio, promoting his message of income equality and empowering the less fortunate, pressed influential New York City business leaders on Thursday to raise their workers' starting pay to $13 an hour.

Obama’s Iran Entitlement

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Wonder Land columnist Dan Henninger asks: What has Obama done to earn trust for this unilateral deal?
MSNBC: Clinton's Email Tweet is Nonsense, Insulting To Americans' Intelligence (March 5, 2015)
Democrats desperately need Elizabeth Warren to run.
Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said Thursday on