David Gergen: It's deeply troubling to grant legal safe haven to unauthorized immigrants by executive order.
Sen. Rand Paul castigated President Barack Obama, arguing the President is an "arrogant" leader whose policies resemble those of an "autocrat."
It is too simplistic to blame the shocking rise in male suicide on men being unable to open up about their problems, says Neil Lyndon
While it's encouraging to see a campaign designed to transmit positive messages about men, it's sad that it needs to exist at all, says Neil Lyndon
ABC: Clinton's Email Disclosure 'Going to Be on the Honor System' (March 5, 2015)

Rein in the corrupt IRS

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Obamacare case before the Supreme Court offers an example of the agency’s abuses.
QUESTION: And then one follow-up question from yesterday: Do you have anything further on whether there's going to be a comprehensive review of the contents of these emails or how it is that you've reached the, I guess, decision that there was no classified information included? MS. HARF: Well, obviously - and part of this is coming up because 300 of her emails were provided to the select committee, so somebody obviously had to go through all 55,000 pages and determine if there was anything that was deemed responsive to the select committee's request. So that process for that request was undertaken. If other requests come in the future, they will be gone through as well, to see if there's anything responsive and appropriate to be provided. She and her team has said that it was not used for anything but unclassified work. We don't undergo scans of everyone's unclassified email to make sure they're only doing unclassified work, so I don't think there was any indication she was doing anything but here, so I don't think it's really a pertinent question. QUESTION: (Inaudible) claim definitively that there was nothing classified in there because -- MS. HARF: You can't claim that about anyone's unclassified email. QUESTION: Right. But -- MS. HARF: So I'm not sure why this would be anything different. She has said she - her team has said she only did - I don't know why this would be held to a different standard. QUESTION: It's different because it's a cabinet member using an unclassified email, and most people -- MS. HARF: But we all use unclassified emails. Would it be different if she -- QUESTION: No, most people use - most of their work is on a work email. MS. HARF: But on the work email, that's not scanned for classified information either, Brad. If she had had a state.gov email, there wouldn't have been a classification review to make sure everything on that email was unclassified. QUESTION: Understand, but it would have -- MS. HARF: Right. QUESTION: -- the security in place to handle classified material, as opposed -- MS. HARF: Absolutely not. That is patently false. An unclassified email system at the State Department does not have security to handle classified information. QUESTION: We weren't talking about an unclassified - she would have a classified capacity in her email. MS. HARF: Which is a complete - no, no, no. QUESTION: No. MS. HARF: The classified (inaudible) even in state.gov - no, no, wait. This is -- QUESTION: We're splitting hairs here. MS. HARF: No, we're not. We are actually not. I have both; I can tell you. They are two separate work machines, they are two separate systems. QUESTION: Mm-hmm. MS. HARF: Anyone can have a - people who have unclassified emails here, those aren't scanned for classified information, and they are not set up, from a security perspective, to handle classified information. They are not. QUESTION: But you were saying she did not have a classified or unclassified email at the State Department. Is that correct? MS. HARF: Yes, so - yes. QUESTION: So presumably, if she had done her business at the State Department, she could've used a classified email system. No? MS. HARF: She had - as - I mean, she -- QUESTION: I mean, that would've been available to her. MS. HARF: In theory, but she had other ways of communicating through classified email through her assistants or her staff with people when she needed to use a classified setting. What I was saying is our unclassified email systems at the State Department are not the same system as the classified, and they are not equipped from a security perspective to handle classified information, even if they're a state.gov account on the unclass system. So I'm just - we all use unclass systems, they don't have classified on them. QUESTION: Okay. MS. HARF: I'm not -- QUESTION: Her question wasn't pertinent to unclassified email at State. MS. HARF: Her - was not pertinent? I'm sorry. I think we're -- QUESTION: Let's move on. MS. HARF: -- tying each other up in knots. QUESTION: Let's move on. MS. HARF: I will answer the question. I'm just not sure we -- QUESTION: Yeah. MS. HARF: Did I get - sorry, let's stay with -- QUESTION: I think that that got to it, but I'm still a little unclear -- MS. HARF: As to what? QUESTION: Maybe we can - someone else can ask a question and we can get back to me. MS. HARF: Okay. If there are things that are unclear, I'm happy to try to address them.
MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews suggested on his Wednesday program that decades of Republican critics dogging Hillary Clinton may be partly to blame for her conducting all her State Department email correspondence on private email via a server located at her Chappaqua, New York, residence.
A Colorado Springs first-grader was suspended from school after pointing his fingers at a classmate in the shape of a gun.
But a new court ruling could force him to reveal it.
A Utah legislative committee on Wednesday asked a lawmaker to refine a bill that seeks to — eventually — shut off water to the National Security Agency’s data center in Bluffdale. Committee members expressed some ...
By Solarina Ho TORONTO (Reuters) - Edward Snowden, the fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor who leaked details of mass U.S. surveillance programs, said on Wednesday he is not being offered a fair trial if he returns to the United States. "I would love to go back and face a fair trial, but unfortunately ... there is no fair trial available, on offer right now," he said from Russia in a live question and answer discussion organized by Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, Toronto's Ryerson University and the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. "I've been working exhaustively with the government now since I left to try to find terms of a trial," he said. He did not comment specifically on new legislation proposed by Canada's Conservative government that would expand the powers of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the country's main intelligence service. In January, CBC News and news website The Intercept reported that 2012 documents sourced from Snowden showed that Canada's electronic spy agency, the Communications Security Establishment, had intercepted and analyzed up to 15 million file downloads a day.
Clinton also writes that State Department communications were the target of sophisticated attacks.
http://lovehasnolabels.com/ While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, many of us unintentionally make snap judgments about peopl...
Kathleen Matthews, Marriott International’s executive vice president and chief global communications and public affairs officer, and wife of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, is planning to run for the seat of Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). Van Hollen announced Wednesday that he’ll seek the seat being vacated by Sen. Barbara Mikulski. A longtime...
At PLO Central Council meeting in Ramallah, PA president calls on Israel to cease settlement construction, release prisoners for return to peace talks.
Democrats may be flustered after a week of being accused of engineering an anti-science “witch hunt,” but they aren’t backing down from their investigations into the financial backing of climate-change researchers who challenge the movement’s doomsday scenarios.
A new Pew Research Center survey shows most Americans believe President Barack Obama's two terms in office have favored the rich, and have not benefited the middle class or the poor. Those negative
On June 20, 2007, Hillary Clinton complained about Bush officials shredding the US Constitution by having secret email accounts. Two years later, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton set up a secret email account and secret servers in her basement…
The Chinese do not plan to live in a world dominated by the U.S. dollar for much longer.
A 2012 inspector general report revealed that Hillary's State Dept. forced a U.S. ambassador to resign for setting up an unsanctioned private e-mail system.
Just before his death, bin Laden was plotting how best to exploit the wave of protests that was gripping the Middle East.
It was a case of "I do" times three. A trio of gay men from Thailand got married on Valentine's Day in Uthai Thani Province, Thailand, according to Caters News Agency. Joke, 29, Bell, 21, and Art, ...
Flashback: In 1972, Cronkite Warned of 'New Ice Age'
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel delivered a speech at a joint meeting of Congress on Tuesday, outlining his case for a tougher strategy in a nuclear deal with Iran.