Taylor council passes resolution against hate based on religion, ethnicity (WITH VIDEO) - The Taylor City Council unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday that supports a campaign against hate based on religion or ethnicity.
Leave it to a writer at Mother Jones to dispense condescending healthy eating advice while serving up a side dish of alleged historical racism with a tincture of capitalism bashing. Kiera Butler, a senior editor there, didn't have to engage in either exercise to make her nutritional points, which may have some validity. She must have felt that her primary headline ("Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner") was too boring, and that she needed to provide an attention-grabbing subheadline to get people to start reading her piece (book link is in original; bolds and numbered tags are mine):
Finally someone on the Right is telling stories as good as the other guys--with real people, real problems, and conservative solutions.
In the wake of accusations that skeptical climate scientists are peddling misleading research, a top scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has this to say: the government has spent

HuffPost Live

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

HuffPost Live is a live-streaming network that attempts to create the most social video experience possible. Viewers are invited to join discussions live as on-air guests. Topics range from politics to pop culture.
The Justice Department says it won't prosecute former Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of an unarmed black 18-year-old that led to weeks of protests.

Keystone veto override fails

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Senate fell five votes short of overriding Obama's veto.
BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT (Photo: Colin Brown)Despite raising $13 million dollars, the organization called The National Draft Ben Carso...
Israeli prime minister's end around Obama disrespects not only America's first black president.
White House Press Sec: 'I Don't Know' if We Knew Hillary Was Operating Email Server From Home (March 4, 2014)
Pundits split over importance of US Congress address, though all focus on influence on upcoming elections
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-controlled Senate Wednesday voted to kill a National Labor Relations Board rule reducing the time between a union's request for representation and a vote by workers on it.
The Protecting Second Amendment Rights Act would roll back the ATF’s authority.
Just when you thought it couldn't look any worse, you get something that totally changes things...
This must be what it's like when you just stop thinking.
An investigation of former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber's corrupt energy deals reveals billionaire Elon Musk was using prison labor to build solar panels.
Netflix Already Regretting Net Neutrality Move -

Cruz unveils ObamaCare alternative

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Republicans are looking to show they have a plan ahead of a Supreme Court ruling.
State Department cybersecurity source says Clinton aides ignored concerns
Officially, Martin O’Malley is still merely considering a Presidential bid. But his travel schedule suggests otherwise.
Ben Carson was on with Sean Hannity this afternoon and was asked about his interview with CNN this morning. Carson responded by reiterating his support for traditional marriage between a man and wo...
The Lee-Rubio Tax Proposal -