
“@TheEconomist This may sound surprising coming from me, but I agree with The Economist. Rex Tillerson has the potential to be an excellent Sec of State.”


February 6, 2016 - Daniel Oppenheimer talked about his book Exit Right: The People Who Left the Left and Reshaped the American Century, in which he examines ...


Teaching Black Lives Matter Content Sparks Outrage A liberal activist group within the Philaphia Federation of Teachers is planning to introduce ...


President Donald Trump is expected to sign executive orders Wednesday restricting access to the U.S. for refugees and some visa holders from terrorist hotbeds, according to a Reuters report Tuesday.


After spending weeks bemoaning the rise of "fake news," journalists have chosen to double down with fake news of their own.


The Trump administration has instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants, part of a broader communications clampdown within the executive branch.


Since Shaun King is joining The Young Turks I thought it is about time I made this. Song: Y&V - Falling Up [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds....


In Dr. Sowell’s book the economics and politics of race, Sowell states that Chinese, Jews, and Japanese tend to be overachievers in America, while, Blacks, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans tend to be underachievers.


EPA grants have reportedly been frozen, with agency employees barred from speaking about it.


The photo is on display between the upper and lower press hall.


Transportation, Housing and Commerce department chiefs were also approved


By now everyone knows of the Women’s Marches that took place across the United States on January 21, which drew large crowds of liberal women who came to lament the inequalities that women face in the United States in the 21st century.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump was expected to sign several executive orders restricting immigration on Wednesday, at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, according to several congressional aides and immigration experts briefed on the matter. Trump's orders were expected to involve


In response to Trump bringing this back up while speaking to members of Congress, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) delivered a statement begging POTUS to with share


The outrage against President Donald Trump continues to boil over. The controversial businessman who recently took over the executive branch has triggered liberals and Never Trump Republicans for a year now, but things have recently escalated. Protesters have been in Washington D.C. for the last few days causing property damage and other violent tactics, resulting in numerous arrests. The violent side of the crowds has been reduced to a mere line in the stories as headlines read like peaceful protests. Celebrities and political figures have flocked to these events to seize the opportunity to further divide the country. Amidst all the violence, singer Madonna spoke to the unruly crowds. Given the massive podium before the crowds, she used her star status to make terrorist threats against the White House. In her Women’s March speech, Madonna said that she had thought an “awful lot about blowing up the White House.” If any regular citizen had stated this, the Secret Service would be on the scene waiting for an?


Or: How illegal immigration is killing MEXICO every bit as much as it's killing us. Believe me. You're gonna be so proud of your wall.


Conservatives in Congress should preempt any capitulation by the executive branch.


Dialing back the Volcker Rule that limits banks' ability to engage in speculative investments is a top priority for President Donald Trump's nominee for U.S. Treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, according to a document seen by Reuters on Monday.


It almost feels as if the Red Scare is back from the distant pages of history. The dead and gone period has come back for the modern era, with fresh fear of the Russian menace. This time, the nation is gripped with the fear that our presidential election was tampered with. Is President Donald Trump a Russian plant? Was his rise to power aided by a foreign influence, such as the Russian government? The possibilities may very well be there and for many that is a cause for fear. Is this fear justified? Absolutely. American politics should be dictated by Americans, especially when it comes to the presidency. The President of the United States essentially represents the country abroad while serving as the chief executive and Commander-in-chief. Having the power through these various points is significant, to say the least. We should guard our political processes from such foreign influence. This is the point many concerned about the Russian threat make. While it is legitimate to be?


Officials issued the warning after two suicide bombers carrying infants evaded detection.


In the aftermath of a United Nations resolution declaring Jewish settlements in the West Bank illegal came a call for the United States to withdraw from participation in the international body and its one-world agenda. The U.N. resolution was implicitly approved by the Obama administration, which declined to use America?s veto power to stop it. Among the reactions was an online petition calling [?]


The number of rigs drilling for oil and gas in the United States has recorded the largest one-week increase for over five years, confirming a rapid upturn is now underway.