In a highly disturbing move, the far-left Socialist Workers’ Student Society has this week made open calls for violence against any who oppose their...
Tens of thousands of pro-lifers marched on the streets of Paris, France on Sunday to urge the government to stop approximately 220,000 unborn babies from being
Parliament must vote on whether the government can start Brexit, the Supreme Court rules.
President Trump has decided to retain James B. Comey as head of the agency that is leading an inquiry into ties between Trump associates and Russia’s government.
The writer’s Twitter post on Friday drew widespread condemnation, and Ms. Rich subsequently apologized for it.
Candidates push to shut white people up (INTELLIHUB) — In a racially charged forum Monday night, multiple candidates vying to lead the Democratic National Party turned their attention to attacking …
President Donald Trump intends to take action today to advance construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, according to a person familiar with the matter.
While Ashley Judd was spewing hate and vulgarities at the Washington D.C. Women's March, her sister Wynonna gave thanks for her own free speech. Wynonna thanked those who fought and died to defend her rights. Rare.us outlines the differences: Ashley Judd took the stage during the Women’s March...
Talladega is a historically black college which was criticized by some on the left because members of the school band wanted to perform at Trump's inauguration. The band ultimately went and performed at the inauguration. They were so amazing and talented. They blew everyone away with their...
Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., used a fake Ben Franklin quote to bash the new president and the administration.
So the other day I come up with this joke. Nothing that's going to win me an HBO Special, mind you, but a pretty good piece of Twitter-fodder -- you know, something to feed The Machine. Now anyone who follows me is well aware that I do not exactly filter the stream-of-consciousness that is my Twitter stream. This particular joke, though, I did decide to hold back. You see, when you get to a certain age, experience informs your mind's eye, which means you can witness the domino effect of the consequences of your behavior.  
The technology has been used to create sped-up videos that falsely depict a response to stimulus.
The plan gives states the option to keep or opt out of Obamacare.
The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, told his top agents from around the country that he had been asked by President Trump to stay on the job running the federal government’s top law enforcement agency, The New York Times reports, according to people familiar with the matter.
CBO points to rising Social Security and Medicare costs.

The Next Wave of Suburbanization?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The millennial urban boom may be coming to a close. This could have major consequences for America’s politics and geography.
?You [are] booing…? a police officer said. ?They are trying to save one of y’all’s life.?
President Trump plans to sign executive orders reviving the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, which had been stalled under the Obama administration, sources tell Fox News.
'U.S. English' advocacy group says there are 323 languages spoken in the U.S. and Spanish shouldn't get special treatment. It's unclear if the Trump administration will add Spanish later.
Sorry you're so stupid, but...
Most of the 230 rioters arrested in Washington D.C. following Donald Trump's inauguration will be charged with felony rioting, which carries a punishment of up to 10 years in jail and $25k fine.
Sen. Liz Warren Refuses to Disavow Madonna's Wish to 'Blow Up the White House'
Let's hope Goldman Sachs isn't part of the answer.