
Enough! Enough! For months, the so-called liberal elite has been writing articles, having radio and TV discussions, giving sermons (literally)…


some might call this interference ...


UNRWA is not looking so good right now...


A transgender Ammon woman was sentenced Thursday to two to five years in prison for surreptitiously recording a young woman as she undressed in a Target dressing room.


You don't have to conform to the world. But neither must it conform to you.


(John Hinderaker) The Democrats are doing all they can to spike Donald Trump’s presidency before it gets off the ground. His path is littered with snares and pitfalls. Among other things, the Obama administration is taking a series of executive actions that the Democrats say Trump can’t undo. I am not sure how that works;…


These are complicated times for Barack Obama. The President of the United States has been popular among liberals and moderates and seeks to maintain that popularity. He wants to remain a voice for liberalism. At the same time, there is a tradition of ex-Presidents stepping back and allowing the next in line to do their job without interference. Despite the partisan differences and the criticisms of his own policies, George W. Bush remained largely silent and ultimately off-the-radar during the Obama Presidency. It could have been different, however. The former President could have criticized Obama on his lack of commitment to the war on terrorism. Although the vaguely defined global conflict against a broadly defined threat has lacked success, something many progressives and liberals are aware of, Bush was a big believer in it. With conflicts such as Afghanistan and Iraq, America under Bush and Cheney was redefined as a greater imperialistic nation. Though he won a Nobel Peace Prize, President Obama has been no peacemaker. He?


Hinton’s response: ‘Want a gay novel? Write it.’


Yet another disturbing sign that the Democratic Party is abandoning Israel: Nearly 40 percent of House Democrats voted against a measure condemning the recent anti-Israel UN resolution, which passe…


This is a first: Donald Trump is guilty of an understatement, of making a molehill out of a mountain. He called the Washington furor over Russian hacking a “witch hunt” when it is actually far more…


Repealing the death tax was part of Donald Trump’s tax plan.


Muslim ?refugees? from the Middle East have become a worldwide issue, with Germany plagued by sexual assaults, Scandinavians and Brits wondering what happened to their cultures and the United States suffering ?lone-wolf? terror attacks. Despite the concerns, many Western governments have gone to great lengths to open their doors to the Islamic migrants. But for Christians, who have been the targets of [?]


Conservative MPs accused Barack Obama of interfering in British politics after the US President said the UK must remain in the EU to enjoy influence on the world stage.


NEW YORK — Sources told the Daily News that Hillary Clinton has "left open the possibility" of running for mayor of New York City.
Clinton is reportedly being pressed by New York Democrats to dive back into politics and give Mayor Bill de Blasio some competition in the mayoral race later this year, according to well placed sources within the party that spoke with the Daily News.


Why does Trump keep siding with a foreign adversary over the nation he is about to lead?


Sheriff Arpaio's replacement calls illegal aliens "guests". The new sheriff was funded by the evil Socialist George Soros funded.


Seattle's mayor is setting aside taxpayer money in order to protect illegal immigrants from possible deportation under President-elect Donald Trump.


The victim's daughter is in no way pleased, and tried to stop the surgery in court.


Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul boasted …


Jared Kushner, President-elect Donald Trump's son-in-law and one of his closest advisers, is taking steps to distance himself from his sprawling New York real estate business in what is the clearest sign yet he is planning to take a position in the new administration.


Florida Gov. Makes Immediate Phone Call After Shooting, But It's Who He Called That Has People LIVID
"Why are people having a tantrum ..."


Don Lemon has a text exchange with Black Lives Matter leader Shaun King to explain why he is black even though both parents on his birth certificate are white.


The Harvard professor of public policy on the decline of American communities. Click "Show more" to view both chapters. For more conversations, visit http://...


The family of a San Francisco woman who allegedly at the hands of a Mexican immigrant with a criminal record may pursue negligence claims against the U.S. government, a federal judge ruled Friday.