They're all the same. And none of them are remotely effective.
In 1965,John Cresswell Keats compellingly argued college wasn't worth it for most students. Too bad we didn't listen to him.
President-elect Donald Trump lashed out at the media Friday for reports suggesting he was going back on a campaign vow to make Mexico pay for a border wall with the U.S., insisting Mexico will reimburse American taxpayers for any money Washington spends up front.
The proposal is part of an updated integration law.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/StefanMolyneux MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3551/what-pisses-me-off-about-the-fk-white-people-chicago-kidnapping Soundcl...
Total: 40 0 38 2FOX News analyst Catherine Herridge destroyed the politicized “Russia hacking” report released by the CIA Today. ...
What Sparta gradually articulated in defense of the way of life they so cherished was all-encompassing, as successful grand strategies often are.
A REFUGEE who raped a grandmother in a park has claimed she wanted to have sex with him.
Under the legislation, HB 347, Ohio will set a new threshold for civil forfeiture. To forfeit properties valued at under $15,000, the government must first convict the property’s owner in criminal court.
US president-elect Donald Trump taunts new Celebrity Apprentice host Arnold Schwarzenegger over the show's ratings.

JP Brown on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Just to be clear.....#FortLauderdale shooter #EstebanSantiago.....Catholic right? Right? Oh......”
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Observant Sikhs and conservative Muslims are officially able to wear religious head coverings and beards, thanks to a directive issued Tuesday that updates the Army's grooming and appearance regulations.
A GUNMAN who shot dead five people and injured eight others at a Florida airport ?had walked into an FBI office claiming he was being forced to fight for ISIS?. Esteban Santiago, the pr…
The US intelligence community has released the unclassified findings of its investigation into what it says was Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, hours after President-elect Donald Trump received a briefing on the probe.
America's top intelligence official just laid waste to the Democrats' latest attempt to undermine President-elect Donald Trump.
Summary: In an effort to help their political supporters in the unions, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton and the state’s legislature classified Minnesota’s home care providers as government employees for purposes of collective bargaining. Following a highly questionable vote, these home care…
Conservatives mock boring and predictable political video from elitist Hollywood liberals.
Is the Women’s March on Washington cursed? The anti-Trump protest set for Jan. 21 keeps running into weird trouble. Start with the name, originally the Million Women’s March. The three white femini…
The FBI may have been forced into a misstep when investigating whether Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee -- it never directly examined the DNC servers that were breached.
The mandate threatens to leave the United States without Senate-confirmed envoys for months in critical nations like Germany, Canada and Britain.
Despite his calling Trump's lewd comments "Sexual assault" Joe Biden has a long history of groping and being inappropriate around women.
Total: 0 0 0 0 Shooter Told FBI He Was ISIS Law Enforcement officials are stating that in November 2016 Esteban ...
“I believe the Attorney General has the right experience for the position and look forward to his confirmation process.”
Only through an engaged citizenry working to call a Convention of States can we solve our national problems.